Friday, June 20, 2008

The Flow Of Blood With Stool Vi


Memorandum No. 7213

VALPARAISO, January 3, 2008


I have the honor to transcribe to you the draft law on recovery of native forests and forestry development, Bulletin No. 669-01.



Article 1 .- This law aims at the protection, restoration and enhancement of native forests in order to ensure forest sustainability and environmental policy

Article 2 .- For the purposes of this law means:

1) tree: stem usually woody plant, which in its adult and normal habitat can achieve, at least five feet high, or a minor in environmental conditions that limit development.

2) Forest: place populated with vegetation in which trees predominate, occupying an area of \u200b\u200bat least 5,000 square meters, with a minimum width of 40 meters, with tree crown cover exceeding 10% of that area Total and semi-arid conditions and 25% in more favorable circumstances.

3) Native forest: forest composed of native species from natural generation, natural regeneration or planting under a canopy with the same species in the original range, which may have unintended presence of alien species distributed at random.

4) native forest preservation: that, whatever their surface, which currently makes up present or endangered plant species habitat or those legally classified category than "endangered", "vulnerable", "rare" "insufficiently known" or "safe" or environments corresponding to unique or representative of the diversity natural biodiversity of the country, which management can only be done with the objective of safeguarding diversity.

be considered in any case, included in this definition, the forests in the categories of management for preservation that make up the National System of Protected Areas of the State or that the legal regime of preservation, voluntary membership, which established.

5) Native forest conservation and protection: that, whatever their surface, which is located on slopes greater than or equal to 45% on fragile soils, or within two hundred yards from springs, bodies or natural watercourses, for the receipt of such soil and water resources.

6) Forest multiple-use native: the former, whose land and vegetation that do not correspond to the categories of preservation or conservation and protection, and that it mainly to obtain goods and services and non-timber.

7) Channel: watercourse forming a bed of silt, sand or rocks, bounded by defined banks, through which water drains into a temporary or permanent.

8) Corporation, the National Forestry Corporation.

9) Cuts of forest: the act of clearing, removing or capping one or more individuals of tree species forming part of a forest.

10) Short harvest: cut or intervention to remove the native forest, at the end of the rotation or in the cutting cycle, as appropriate, the volume defined in the forest management plan.

11) Cut healthcare: cutting trees at any stage of their development that are affected by pests or likely to be attacked, and whose stability is a threat to the stability of the forest.

12) unauthorized Short: Short made no forest management plan approved by the Corporation, as well, that short, with previously approved management plan, run contrary to the specifications techniques contained therein, especially for interventions in areas or species other than those authorized.

13) native or indigenous species: species of tree or shrub native to the country, which has been officially recognized as such by executive decree issued through the Ministry of Agriculture.

14) xerophytic Training: training plant, consisting of native species, mainly shrubs or succulents, with areas of arid or semiarid conditions located between Regions I and VI, including the Metropolitan and XV and in depressions within regions VII and VIII.

15) Interested: the owner or possessor in the process of clearing the property title, or owner of some of the duties listed in fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article 7.

16) Forest Management, hereinafter called "management" means a set of silvicultural interventions, organized in space and time, pursuing a forest structure that allows a sustained throughput, without adversely affecting productivity, or significant environmental features same, according to technical specifications contained in a forest management plan.

17) Small forest owners: the person who has title to one or more rural lands whose surface together do not exceed 200 hectares or 500 acres if they are located between Regions I and IV, including the fifteenth or 800 acres for properties located in the commune of Lonquimay in Region IX, in the province of Palena , in Region X, or XI and XII Regions, whose assets do not exceed the equivalent of building 3,500 units, that their income comes mainly from agriculture or forestry and working land directly on his property or other property of others. Be understood to include the owners of small farming communities covered by the decree with force of Law No. 5 of 1968, the Ministry of Agriculture, indigenous communities governed by Law No. 19,253, and communities on common property resulting from the agrarian reform process, the companies dry constituted in accordance with Article 1 of Decree Law No. 2,247, 1978 and the societies referred to in Article 6 of Law No. 19,118, provided that, at least 60% of the shares of such companies is held by the original partners or persons having the status of small forest owners, as certified by the Agriculture and Livestock.
only for purposes of the provisions in the third paragraph of Article 22 and the first paragraph of Article 25 shall read that small forest owner holder who meets the requirements of paragraph one and has acquired the status of regular keeper in accordance with the provisions of Decree Law No. 2,695 of 1979. This must be accredited by a copy of the entry of the decision granting a regular possession of the property of the Real Estate as appropriate.

18) Management Plan: instrument, meeting the requirements set forth in this legal, asset management planning and ecological sustainable use of forest resources in a particular field, protecting the water quality and avoiding soil deterioration.

management plan will preservation when you have as a fundamental objective to safeguard the biological diversity, ensuring the maintenance of conditions that enable the evolution and development of species and ecosystems contained in the target area of \u200b\u200baction.

forest management plan will be its objective is the exploitation of native forests to obtain wood and non wood goods, given the multifunctionality of forests and biodiversity.

19) Supplementary Plantation: that planting under tree canopy or side protection is done with native species specific to the site, or the same forest type that have existed before him, and is done as a complement to natural regeneration, to improve the quality of the native forest.

20) Non-timber forest Native: all goods and services that do not correspond to bring wood or timber and that there are or can be developed within a native forest from the native species that compose it. Means for these effects, but are not limited to, items such as fungi, plants for food purposes, wild fruit trees and shrubs of medicinal plants, chemical or drug, wildlife, plant fibers, and services tourism.

21) Natural regeneration of forest Native: process by which a forest is established through planting or regeneration of native tree seeds from the same stand or stands neighbors, which are spread by natural agents such as wind, water, mammals, birds or regrowth spontaneous existing strains.

22) new shoot: youth from state forest natural regeneration, consisting of native tree species, diameter and height for each forest type, does not exceed the limits prescribed by regulation.

23) Environmental services: those provided by native forests and plantations that directly affect the protection and enhancement of environment.

24) Controlled burning: the act of using fire to remove vegetation in a targeted, limited or limited to a predetermined area according to pre-established standards in order to keep the fire under control.

25) Wildfire: any destruction of vegetation through the fire and when it spreads freely and without control on forest called.

26) Forest type: cluster tree characterized by the dominant species in the upper strata of the forest. TITLE I

of forest types

Article 3 .- By decree issued through the Ministry of Agriculture, established forest types belonging to the country's native forests and regeneration methods applicable to them.

The procedure for setting rates and forest regeneration methods considered, at least, the following steps: development of scientific and technical studies to underpin the typology established, methods of feedback and consultation to public and private competition in the field.

Article 4 .- The Corporation shall maintain a permanent forest land register, which should identify and establish, at least cartographically forest types in each region of the country, their status and those areas where ecosystems exist in the presence of special interest forests for conservation or preservation, according to the criteria established in the regulations under this law.

The forest land register should be updated at least every ten years and shall be public information.

Consultative Council referred to Article 33 of this Act deemed the land forest, along with other relevant sources of information as a basis for proposing criteria for targeting, prioritization and allocation of land covered bonuses This law, which may be obtained using the competitions covered by this Code. PART II


Article 5 .- Any action short of native forest, regardless of the type of land on which it is located, must be pre-approved management plan for the Corporation. Must also comply with the requirements of Decree Law No. 701 of 1974. Approved management plans should be public and available on the website of the Corporation upon request.

Article 6 .- The management plan shall contain an overview of the existing natural resources on the farm. For the area involved will be asked detailed information, as I indicated in the regulations.

Article 7 .- The management plan must be submitted by the applicant and prepared by one of the professionals mentioned in this article. In the case of forest management plan, it must be prepared by a forestry engineer, an agronomist specialized or professional related to forest science attesting also hold a postgraduate or graduate in the life sciences. In the case of a conservation management plan, it must be prepared by a forester, a conservation engineer natural resource, natural resource engineering or related professional certifying that, in addition, be in possession of a postgraduate or graduate in such areas of training.

In any case, the professionals referred to in this Article shall have completed a curriculum of at least ten semester, a race delivered by a state university or recognized by it.

The plan must have the signature of the individual and the practitioner has developed.

When the construction of roads, the exercise of mining concessions or easements, gas, power utility, other products regulated by law, as appropriate, involving short of native forest management plan need be submitted by the respective dealer or owner of the easement, as appropriate, who will be responsible for fulfilling all the obligations contained therein .

In the case of public forests, the management plan shall be signed by the licensee or lessee of the respective property tax, who will be responsible for meeting the obligations contained therein. It will also be signed by the respective Regional Ministerial Secretariat of National Property, which will certify that the applicant has any of those qualities and there is no opposition from the Ministry of National Heritage.

The management plan may include multiple parcels and owners.

Article 8 .- Presented a management plan to the Corporation, it shall approve or reject within ninety days from the date of entry of the request to the appropriate office.

If the Corporation does not act within the prescribed period, it shall be approved by the management plan proposed by the applicant, except for areas that include the situations listed in Article 17 of the Act.

The Corporation may reject a management plan only when it does not meet the requirements of this law.

In the event that the Corporation refuses all or part of the management plan, the applicant may appeal to the judge, according to the procedure laid down in Article 5 of Decree Law No. 701 of 1974. In this case, the final decision shall be final.

approved a management plan, the applicant must give notice to the Corporation when you start the execution of tasks and completed one year of start of its implementation, must certify annually to the Corporation, the degree of progress of it, when that happens , through a report prepared by the applicant.

Article 9 .- The Corporation shall maintain a record or information system, funded by provinces, both public, on record approved management plans, and certify its existence on a particular site on request.

Article 10 .- If, subsequent to the approval of the management plan is established that it was based upon false information, the Corporation may terminate, according to general rules, the administrative actions have been based on them, without prejudice to pursue civil or criminal liability arising therefrom. In

same shall apply when inaccurate and previous history, in terms that have substantially influenced the approval of the respective management plan.

The applicant may protest the decision to invalidate administrative acts as authorized in the preceding paragraphs, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of Decree Law No. 701 of 1974, but this claim suspend compliance with the resolution by Corporation.

Article 11 .- The Corporation may develop rules of general management and management plans, types which may benefit the owners. In this case, it will be fulfilled the obligation to submit a forest management plan establishing in this law, applying the general procedures that apply to them in the manner prescribed by the regulations. The Corporation shall encourage and facilitate the use of such general rules and management plans by type of small forest owners.
case of the requirements of Articles 7 and 19 of this Law may not replace the requirement to have the Forest Management Plan.

Article 12 .- The approved management plans may be amended during its term, upon submission and approval of a technical study prepared by one of the professionals listed in Article 7 of this law. The Corporation shall decide on modifications within 60 working days.

The change does not alter the management objective identified in the original plan, unless the proposed new system is likely to get from the state in which the forest is at the time of the proposition.

Govern for the changes, the same general rules established for the management plans, including rules on administrative silence referred to Article 8 of this law.

Delaying logging activities contained in the management plan and do not involve a deterioration of the forest will not be considered as an amendment to it, and only require prior notice to the Corporation, as determined by the regulations.

However, this change will not enable to increase the profits made by the competitions covered by Title IV of the Act.

Article 13 .- The management plan is approved, the applicant or the premises who subsequently acquires any title, is subject to compliance and other obligations under this law. For these purposes, shall be recorded outside the respective domain registration, the site concerned has an approved management plan. This entry will be free and comply with the single communication from the Corporation to the Real Estate as appropriate.

The Applicants may withdraw the approved management plan prior repayment in fiscal revenue of the sums that are no longer payable under tax breaks and subsidies granted by this Act, plus adjustments and statutory interest determined by Internal Revenue Service in accordance with the rules of the Tax Code, as appropriate.

withdrawal shall not be authorized when there are pending activities regeneration or reforestation. Tested

refund, the Corporation shall issue a resolution approving the withdrawal, which shall be recorded in registration referred to in Article 9, and report on the Real Estate, who shall note in the margins of the respective domain registration an extract of the resolution approving the withdrawal.

Article 14 .- The regeneration or reforestation commitments set out in management plans approved by the Corporation, or the compensation or reparation measures established by court order, shall be completed as verified in field survival was less than 75% of the number of individuals engaged in the respective management plans. This survival must be determined not by those individuals meet two years of life, from planting or natural regeneration.


Article 15 .- Cutting of forests should be done according to rules laid down in this Title, without prejudice to those established in Law No. 19,300, with objectives of protecting water quality, prevent soil degradation and biodiversity conservation.
Article 16 .- The forest management plan provided for in Article 5 will require further cuts for all native forest conservation and protection of a technical justification based methods short to be used, as well as the measures to be adopted with the objectives of protecting the soil, the quality and quantity of the flow of streams and conservation of biodiversity and measures to prevent and combat forest fires. Similarly, the management plan must respect the biological corridors that the Ministry of Agriculture has officially defined. Article 17 .- Prohibits
cutting, destruction, disposal or impairment of native trees and shrubs at a distance of 500 meters from the glaciers, measured in horizontal projection on the plane.
Regulation will regulate the protection of soils, bodies and natural water courses, having, at least, the following key criteria: the slope, rainfall, the fragility and erodibility of soils, the saturation level of the same and the flotation of logging equipment. For the protection of natural water courses will further consider the size of the basin, flow and timing.

Likewise, the Regulations shall determine the rules for the protection of wetlands conservation priority sites declared by the National Environment Commission, or Ramsar sites, should consider the criteria outlined in the preceding paragraph as well as protection requirements of the species that inhabit.

that legislation should also respond to regional specificities.
In developing those regulations shall apply in point b) of the fifth paragraph of Article 33 of this law.

Article 18 .- The rules mentioned in Articles 15, 16 and 17 of this title shall apply also to plantations benefiting from the provisions of paragraph two of Article 13 of Decree Law No. 701 of 1974. Article 19 .-

Prohibits cutting, removal, destruction or grubbing of individuals of native plant species classified in accordance with Article 37 of Law No. 19,300 and its regulation in the categories of "endangered", "vulnerable", "rare", "insufficiently known" or "clear", which are part of a native forest, as well as the alteration of their habitat. This prohibition does not affect individuals of those species planted by man, unless such plantations has been effected in compliance with compensation measures, repair or mitigation mandated by a resolution of environmental qualification or other competent authority.

may exceptionally be intercepted or altered the habitat of the individuals of these species, prior authorization Corporation, the award by a reasoned decision, provided that such interventions do not threaten the continuity of the species to the basin level or, exceptionally, elsewhere, they are necessary and aimed at carrying out scientific research medical purposes or are intended for execution of works or the development of the activities identified in the fourth paragraph of Article 7, provided that such works or activities are of national interest.

To authorize assistance referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Corporation shall request reports from experts on whether the intervention affects the continuity of the species and on measures to be taken to ensure their continuity.

To carry out the intervention, the applicant shall prepare a conservation management plan that considers, among other things, measures to bring the resolution referred founded the second paragraph above.

To qualify for the national interest, the Corporation may request any reports it deems necessary to other entities.

Article 20 .- The regulations shall determine the manner and conditions under which the Corporation shall authorize exceptional interventions referred to Articles 7, 17 and 19 of this law.

Article 21 .- When the short native forest is made with the change of rural land use established in the General Law on Urban Planning and Construction, construction works or the development of the activities in the fourth paragraph of Article 7 hereof, the applicant must submit a management plan containing the goals of the short, the definition of the layout of the work, the description of the area to intervene, the description of vegetation to remove, short programs, for mapping and reforestation programs , which must be conducted in the same forest type species involved.


Article 22 .- There will be a contestable fund aimed at the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of native forests, hereinafter "the Fund", through which a bonus will be awarded to contribute to solving the cost of the activities under each of the following literals:

a) Activities that promote the regeneration, recovery or protection of xerophytic formations of high ecological value and preservation of native forests in order to achieve the maintenance of diversity biological, except those belonging to the National Wilderness Protected State. This bonus will reach up to 5 monthly tax units per hectare;

b) Silvicultural activities aimed at obtaining non-wood products. This bonus will reach up to 5 monthly tax units per hectare and

c) silvicultural activities designed to manage and restore native forests for timber production purposes. This bonus will reach up to 10 monthly tax units per hectare.

The maximum amount to reclaim, by literal, will be shown in each of them, and to reclaim the maximum amount of activity will be set on a table set by the maximum value of hardenable activities, expressed in monthly tax units, according to forest type, state of forest development and regions, as appropriate. This table is fixed by a decree issued through the Ministry of Agriculture, the report of the Corporation, which also must be signed by the Minister of Finance. This decree was issued during the month of August each year and will apply for the following season. If the Ministry of Agriculture does not set those values \u200b\u200bat the time indicated, shall, for purposes of calculation and payment of the bonus, the values \u200b\u200bcontained in the latest published value table.

In the case of small forest owners, the amount of the subsidies listed in subparagraphs of the first paragraph of this Article shall be increased by up to 15%, as provided in the rules of the Fund.

Applicants must submit their draft management plans in accordance with the regulations and bases. Stakeholders whose projects have been selected in competitions must submit the relevant management plan to the Corporation.

Article 23 .- The reduction can also developing forest management plans designed at the discretion of management, whose projects have been selected in competitions referred to the following article. The amount of this incentive will be up 0.3 tax units per hectare subject to be subsidized activities in subparagraph c) of Article 22. This incentive will be paid after credits the implementation of these activities. However, the applicant can not receive more than 700 tax units for this item, or to be benefited more than once.

Article 24 .- The Fund's resources will be allocated by open competition. To apply, interested parties must submit an application for bonus, accompanied by a draft management plan, which should detail the activity or activities to be accomplished and identify the area to intervene. An applicant may participate in new contests, in order to obtain a bonus, for the same surface, for forestry activities defined in the rules and correspond to the same literal, provided that the amount of the rebate to which posits, together with that of those obtained in other contests, not exceed the maximum amount subsidized by hectare indicated in subparagraphs of Article 22.

contest will not be accepted bonus applications in various activities including activities literal or reclaimed in previous contests for the same surface.

Article 25 .- The Fund's resources will be allocated through two contests, one of which must be used exclusively to small forest owners, as defined in Article 2 hereof.

The Budget Act each year, determine the amount of resources to be allocated to the Fund. The percentage of the Fund shall be allocated to each competition will be determined each year by decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which must be signed by the Minister of Finance. In any case, the percentage allocated to each contest can not be less than 25%.

This decree shall be published during the month of January each year and will apply from 1 February of that year and January 31 next year. If the January 31 of each year has not determined the percentage allocated to each fund, governed for all legal purposes the decree is in effect last year.

Article 26 .- The rules of the Fund shall be subsidized activities that comprise each of the literals mentioned in the first paragraph of Article 22, the frequency of competitions and the requirements for developing the bases.

The regulations shall, in addition, criteria for prioritization of land, targeting and allocation of the subsidies contained in this law. These criteria should include, inter alia, the following variables: size of property considering the other properties of agroforestry character belonging to the person concerned, and amount requested be subsidized, part of the financing by the person concerned, and in the case of subsidized activities referred to in paragraph a) of paragraph one of Article 22, the contribution the conservation of ecological diversity of the country.

Article 27 .- The Ministry of Agriculture defines the criteria for prioritization of land, targeting and allocation of the subsidies contained in this Act, and the criteria of technical and environmental assessment, after consulting the Advisory Council of Forest according to the provisions of Article 33.

Article 28 .- The fund regulation should address the mechanisms to achieve equal participation in the competitions of the Fund, shall establish a simplified application for small forest owners.

bases contests must contain the criteria for technical and environmental assessment and will promote those projects whose purpose is the recovery, improvement and preservation of native forests, as appropriate, or the recovery and preservation of xerophytic formations; In both cases, when they present a clear social benefit and urgency.

Article 29 .- You can only receive bonuses awarded, subject to proof of the execution of the activities involved in the management plan approved.

Bonuses are paid on production of relevant reports, which must be approved by the Corporation.

These reports should be prepared by one of the professionals referred to the first paragraph of Article 7 hereof.

If you have not been carried out all activities involved, only pay the bonus amount for the work actually carried out, provided they do not constitute a breach of the management plan, according to as stated in this law.

Article 30 .- If during a contest requirieren resources projects submitted less than the amount asked for the competition concerned, they may be allocated directly provided such projects meet the criteria defined in the regulations and bases, unless reasonable grounds, the contest is declared wilderness.

Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, once awarded the project the remainder of the funding allocated to one of the competitions will be assigned to another.

bases and the results of the competitions will have a public character.

Article 31 .- The Fund is managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, from its own resources. However, this Secretary of State may delegate all or part of the administration of the competitions in the National Forest.

Every three years, at least, there will be a public assessment of the Fund, considering both its administration and its territorial allocation and results achieved.

Article 32 .- The President, by executive decree issued through the Ministry of Agriculture, which also must be signed by the Minister of Finance, establish procedures for the fund, to which request the opinion Consultative Council referred to Article 33 of this law.

Article 33 .- Create the Forest Advisory Board, which will be chaired by the Minister of Agriculture and integrated addition, the following people representing the area they come from:

a) Two academics, one of the which must represent schools or faculties of forestry and the other schools or faculties of biology that have experience in the conservation and sustainable use of native forests;

b) Two persons nominated by non-governmental non-profit His experience in the conservation and sustainable use native forest;

c) Two persons nominated by organizations of medium and large landowners with native forests;

d) Two persons nominated by organizations of small landowners with native forests;

e) The President of the College of Foresters of Chile AG, or the person authorized on his behalf;

f) A person nominated by the owners of protected areas on private property;

g) The President of the Botanical Society of Chile, or the person designated on your behalf;

h) The Executive Director of the National Environment Commission;

i) The Executive Director of the Forestry Institute and

j) The Executive Director of the National Forestry Corporation, who will act as Executive Secretary.

The appointment of the Advisory Council members referred to in subparagraphs b), c), d) f) of this section shall be determined on the basis of shortlists concerned entities sent to the Minister of Agriculture, within to bring the call issued for the purpose; period of not less than 30 days. This meeting will be widely disseminated and published, in any case, the ministry's website.

Directors shall be appointed by the Minister of Agriculture and will last 3 years in office. In any case, the directors receive no compensation or any diet for their participation in the Council.

In case of absence or disability of the Minister, be replaced by Assistant Secretary of Agriculture.

is for the Advisory Council:

a) answer inquiries put by the Minister of Agriculture on matters covered by this Act;

b) Make decisions in advance about the draft regulations, as amended, to provide input on implementation of this Act and propose legislative and regulatory policy adjustments may be necessary;

c) Comment policies drawn up by the Ministry of Agriculture for the use of research resources listed in Title VI of this Act and proposed projects financed from these resources, and

d) To propose to the Minister of Agriculture criteria for prioritization of land, targeting and allocation of the subsidies contained in this Act as well as technical evaluation criteria and environmental.

The rules of this law shall establish rules of operation of the Advisory Council.

Article 34 .- The beneficiary of the subsidies referred to in Article 22 may be transferred by public or private instrument, signed before a notary public. These bonuses can be collected and paid to persons other than the subject, always accompanying document evidencing the transfer.

The Corporation may issue, upon request, a certificate of future bonus for those who do qualify for it, which may be established by endorsement as collateral for credit facilities to finance liaison activities to the bonus. This future bonus may also be transferred through the same certificate by endorsement, signed before a notary.

Article 35 .- The benefit referred to in Article 22 received or accrued, shall be considered as deferred income in current liabilities and shall not constitute income for any legal effect until the cut is made harvest or sale of forest resulting in the bonus, at which will be amortized, paying the operating costs and as the extent to which it or the sale of forest are made.

For the purposes set forth in the preceding paragraph, shall apply to annual bonuses payable or received, considered as deferred revenue in current liabilities, monetary correction rules set forth in Tax Law Income, readjusted in the same way that the costs incurred in the management of native forests included in the asset.

earnings resulting from the exploitation of native forests obtained by natural or legal persons will be affected to general of the Law on Income Tax.

However, those who exploit forests which are not qualifying for the benefits established by Legislative Decree No. 701 of 1974, and in this Act, shall declare the actual or presumed income for the purposes of the Act Income Tax in accordance with the provisions of Article 20, number 1, letter b) of the Act, with the exception of sales cap annual net which, in respect of forest products from the forest, will be 24,000 units per month considering the sales tax on a cumulative basis in a rolling three-year period.

People who, being under the presumptive income scheme for its agricultural activities in accordance with the Law on Income Tax, availing themselves of the benefits of this law, shall be taxed on the basis of actual income as of 1 January of the marketing year following that in which sales exceed the limit prescribed in the preceding paragraph. In any case, also be other rules in Article 20, number 1, letter b) of the Act Income tax when the taxpayer carries on other farms or meet other requirements, according to the legal requirement to make mandatory the tax return based on actual income.

Small forest owners will be affected in any case, the imputed income system laid down in Article 20 of the Law on Income Tax, and not subject to tax provisions contained in the first and second paragraphs of this article .

tax for all purposes related to this law, and without prejudice to the responsibilities and obligations of individuals, the Corporation shall make, in cases appropriate, relevant communications to the IRS.

native forests in this Law shall be exempt from land tax levied on agricultural land and should not be considered for the purposes of Inheritance Tax Law, Allocations and Grants. To make this exemption the owners of these forests must request the corresponding declaration of native forest, based on a technical study prepared by one of the professionals referred to the first paragraph of Article 7 of this law, according to the rules established by the regulations. The Corporation shall determine the application within within 60 days of its submission. If it does not act within the time specified, the request is deemed approved.

Internal Revenue Service, with the only merit of the certificate granted by the Corporation, order the immediate tax exemption mentioned in this article, which shall commence from the date of the relevant certificate, unless the exemption territorial governing effective 1 January of the year following certification.

Internal Revenue Service is authorized to divide the respective appraisal role, if appropriate and necessary for the Tax.

Article 36 .- The Finance Act contemplate resources to pay the bonuses to which this law. Payment thereof shall be made by the General Treasury of the Republic. TITLE V

of borrowers FOREST

Article 37 .- Without prejudice to the powers of certification and oversight that apply to the Corporation, there will be forest accreditation natural or legal persons who cooperate with it in the exercise of those tasks.

Article 38 .- Only carry on the business of professional forestry accreditation referred to in Article 7 of this law, are entered in the register of accredited forest for this purpose by the Corporation, which shall be considered public. The Corporation shall publish the register referred to in its website.

case of legal entities, they must consider in their statutes the rotation forestry accreditation. In addition, personnel allocated to these entities carrying out the forest certification activities must have the same professional quality as those indicated in the preceding paragraph.

forest Accreditors be empowered to certify:

a) That the information contained in management plans correspond to reality, and

b) The successful implementation of the activities involved in the management plan for the bonuses referred to in subparagraphs of Article 22 of this Law and Article 12 of Decree Law No. 701, 1974.

On the basis of the certificates referred to in letter a) of the preceding paragraph, the Corporation will assess the management plans, to ensure that they meet the objectives outlined at No. 18) of article 2 of this law.

With the certification referred to in point b) of the third paragraph of this Article, the Corporation may authorize the payment of subsidies which they relate, informing the Treasury Service, to proceed to pay the same.

Article 39 .- The regulations establish requirements for registration, content and operation of the register referred to in the preceding article, as well as other rules governing the activities of forestry accreditation. Also seek to ensure the availability of these remote communities in the country.

Article 40 .- The creditor that certificare a false fact or no punishment shall be punished under Article 193 of the Penal Code.

If the creditor has a legal personality, is punishable in the manner indicated in the previous paragraph who have provided bogus information that formed the basis for issuing the fake certificate and those who had consented to or acted in concert in the issuance of the license.

For this purpose only, it is understood that the certificates issued by the creditors are public instruments.

Since the formalization of the investigation, the creditor will be suspended from the respective record, if convicted, shall be disqualified in perpetuity to carry on the business of forestry accreditation. To this end, the trial judge shall notify the Corporation such decisions, so that appropriate to note in Forest Accreditors registration suspension or disqualification for life, as appropriate.

If the fact mentioned in paragraph one, we had participation any of the partners, general managers or administrators of certification authorities, they will be punished with the permanent cancellation of your Registration of accredited Forest referred to this law . Not entered in the Register new certification bodies that appear as partners who have been, in turn, of entities which are disenrolled been provided where it has been established in the respective procedure that such people had participation the fact that prompted the sanctions. This decision may be challenged in the manner prescribed in the second, third and fourth the following article.

Article 41 .- The violation or infringement of any other rule governing the activity of forest accreditation, shall be punished according to the seriousness of the offense, with one or more of the following administrative measures:

a) suspended for six months

b) suspension of their registration for up to two years and

c) cancellation for 5 years from registration in the registers, in case of relapse more than twice.

administrative measures will be implemented by decision of the Regional Director concerned, will always claim that, having submitted the application to the corresponding Regional Director to the Executive Director of the Corporation, within ten working days from notification, who must resolve brief summary setting forth the reasons for its decision.

The decision acquitting or apply a measure shall notify the affected home, or your agent, if any, by registered letter.

the order of the Executive Director to implement an administrative measure, it may appeal the individual judge in civil court of the territory they had searched his home the claimant, subject in all other respects with the provisions of Article 5 of Decree Law No. 701 of 1974.


Article 42 .- The Finance Act contemplate an annual research fund for the native forest, whose purpose is to promote and increase knowledge in matters related to native forest ecosystems, their management, preservation, protection, enhancement and recovery, without prejudice to the private contributions to complement it.

The resources allocated by this procedure will be provided by public competition.

Article 43 .- These resources will be devoted specifically to encourage and support:

a) scientific and technological research related to the native forest and biodiversity protection;

b) research and technological development projects tending to the protection of soil, water, flora and fauna and ecosystems related to the forest;

c) the creation and establishment of training programs, education and technology transfer in rural areas, dedicated to teaching and improvement of rural people and communities whose livelihood is the native forests

d) evaluation of the effects of interventions in the native forest, according to this law, and

e) the development of complementary initiatives those intended to allow provide background, information dissemination, knowledge and resources aimed at meeting the objective of this law.

Article 44 .- The policies and guidelines for the use of research resources will be defined by the Ministry of Agriculture, at the suggestion of the Advisory Board referred to in Article 33. A regulation will regulate the details of the administration and destination of these funds, and the mechanisms for evaluating projects and programs being used.


Article 45 .- It shall apply sanctions and penalties set forth in this Act as a local police judge is a lawyer with expertise in the parish in which the offense was committed, you know in the first instance they make any claims that officials of the Corporation or of Carabineros de Chile.

However, those offenses which imported the application of fines of more than 5,000 units monthly tax and those that were committed within a municipality that has no police magistrate be local lawyer, will be resolved in the first instance by the local police magistrate seat in the provincial capital city.

courts referred to in the preceding paragraphs have jurisdiction over complaints that they make any in accordance with the provisions and procedures set out in Law No. 18,287, except as provided in Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the Act.

The Corporation is authorized to apply to the local police courts applying the constraints set out in the first paragraph of Article 23 of Law No. 18,287 and to perform executive actions referred to in paragraph two of this article, aimed to enforce payment of fines and penalties apply to violations set forth in this law. He shall also be entitled to collect and process the personal costs of the proceedings in which intervention, to the payment of which offenders are convicted.

crimes referred to in Articles 40, 49 and 50 of this law will be aware of the Judges of warranty or Oral Trial Courts, as appropriate, with jurisdiction over the territory in which the offense was committed.

Article 46 .- An infringement of the provisions of this Act or the regulations, officials of the Corporation shall compile a report which shall contain the facts constituting of the violation, indicating the date, place, date and time of the taking Inspect, the fact of being present or not the alleged offender or his legal representative and the individualization of it, home, if possible, and contravened laws.

With the merit of the act referred to in paragraph one, the respective Regional Director of the Corporation shall make the corresponding complaint with the court or the Attorney General, as appropriate, with a copy of the minutes.

Being a first offense and if they appeared favorable background, the court may reduce the penalty applicable to by 50%. He may acquit the offender in case of excusable ignorance or good faith tested.

Checks may be made by aerial photography or remote sensing, without prejudice to other evidence.

Article 47 .- The officers appointed by the Corporation for the control of this law and the police have the status of minister of faith in all actions to be carried out to fulfill this task.

Corporation officials can only enter the premises or storage facilities for the purpose of monitoring compliance with the law, prior approval of management responsible for them.

In case of refusal to authorize the entry, the Corporation may request the competent court the assistance of the police force, which, by resolution and merit of the information provided by the Corporation, may be granted immediately, unless resolved to hear the affected party, in which case it must appear within 48 hours from notification.

For the purposes indicated in the preceding paragraph shall be considered as competent local police judge stated in Article 45 above.

Article 48 .- The actions to prosecute violations of this law do not constitute prescribe a crime within five years and those that constitute criminal offenses shall prescribe in the manner and terms set forth in the Penal Code.

The limitation period shall run from which the offense was committed, except for those permanent, which will have ceased since the breach.

Any further infringement on the same site interrupted the requirements which are in progress.

Article 49 .- Any person who submitted or I will have a management plan based on false certificates or absent proof of a fact, knowing the circumstances, shall be punished with imprisonment within the maximum degree to prison mayor in its minimum degree.

If a person who has submitted the plan based on the certificates referred to in the preceding paragraph, he received a bonus of granting this law will be condemned also to pay a fine up to three times the amount of perceived bonus, which will be adjusted according to changes you've experienced the Consumer Price Index between the date of collection of the subsidy and the actual payment of the fine. Established

the falsity of a certificate based on false information or no, the Corporation shall render acts of an administrative nature which may have been based on it.

Article 50 .- Any person who, in order to benefit from subsidies provided in this Act, has submitted knowingly a management plan based on false information, other than those specified in Article 49, shall be punished with imprisonment minor in any degree. If he received a bonus, shall be punished as well, with fine, which is equivalent to twice the amount of subsidy received, adjusted by the change you've experienced the Consumer Price Index between the date of collection of the bonus and the actual payment of the fine. Established

the falsity of a certificate based on false information or no, the Corporation shall render administrative acts which may have been based on it.

Article 51 .- Any unauthorized cutting of forests will be incurred to the property owner, or who run in a fine equal to twice the market value of the products cut or operated with a minimum of 5 units per acre monthly tax . When products are found in the possession of the offender, will fall well be confiscated and will be sold by the Corporation. If products from unauthorized logging has been set aside in whole or in part of the property, the offender shall be punished with the fine specified above, increased by 200%.

Article 52 .- The short, removal, destruction or grubbing, or other form of killing individuals of species listed as endangered, vulnerable, rare, insufficiently known or out of danger, which does not correspond to operations authorized under Article 19 of this Act, shall be fined 5 to 50 monthly tax units per copy, if it does not have commercial value, otherwise, the fine shall be double the market value of each issue targeted by the intervention.

If the products of the infringement are held by the offender, be confiscated and will fall sold by the Corporation. If these products may have been removed in whole or in part of the site or distribution center, the appropriate penalty the offender shall be increased by 200%.

For samples without commercial value, the trial judge to impose the sanction specified in paragraph one, should take into consideration the number of copies seized, the scientific value of the data and the classification of the species for which request a report thereon to the Corporation.

Article 53 .- The unauthorized cutting of native forest in violation as stated in Articles 17 and 7 ° 8 ° transition of this Act, shall render the offender on the fine referred to in Article 52 increased by 100%.

Article 54 .- Establishes the following penalties for offenses listed below:

a) breach of security activities, a fine of 5 to 15 units per hectare monthly tax defaulted, according to the requirements contained in management plan;

b) failure to reforest the obligation referred to in the management plans, with a fine of 10 to 15 monthly tax units per hectare, meaning whenever a serious offense for purposes of applying the sanction

c) breach of any other obligation under the forest management plan, other than those mentioned in the preceding letter, with a fine of 2 to 5 units per hectare monthly tax unfulfilled unless it is established force majeure ;

d) not to accredit the request of the competent authority, that timber found in his possession from a short authorized by the Corporation referred to in Article 58, to a fine of up to 3 monthly tax units;

e) the cutting, destruction or grubbing of xerophytic formations without a work plan previously approved by the Corporation and the breach of the obligations in the plan, with a fine of 2 to 5 units per hectare defaulted monthly tax depending on their severity. Those were considered serious misconduct relating to breaches of the rules of environmental protection, and

f) breach of the obligations contained in the conservation management plan shall be punished by a fine whose amount is double the cost of the action breached .

Article 55 .- The payment of fines imposed for violations of provisions of this Act shall not exempt the offender's compliance with relevant obligations.

Article 56 .- The native forest, for which he had paid some of the bonuses of this Law may not be short crop in a different time limit set out in the forest management plan.

For advance or delay harvest short, the applicant must have prior to the relevant certificate of approval to amend the forest management plan. If the proposal is inconsistent with the objectives set out in the forest management plan, the Corporation will grant such approval once credited the return of all profits earned by the application of this law.

Without prejudice to the penalties for breach of forest management plans outlined in Article 54, in the case of forest management plans have been helped by the subsidies that are covered by this law, offenders must repay the amounts they would have received on account of these subsidies and lose the benefits they had won the contest.


Article 57 .- Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5 of the Act, the Corporation may provide, upon request, short simple authorization in the case of use or a short small number of trees, whose number is fixed in each case, for own consumption or farm improvements, according to the rules established by the regulations, which will to discharge the obligation to submit a plan for forest management.

Article 58 .- Natural persons or legal entities participating in any stage of exploitation of native forests, including transportation covered in the guides to free transit, must certify, at the request of the authority, the primary products native forest in their possession from a short authorized by the Corporation.

Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph one, to cover the transportation of primary products from isolated native trees, which are not part of a forest and do not require prior authorization for short, the Corporation guides may allow freedom of movement.

The regulations will establish the form and content of free transit guides issued by the Corporation.

Article 59 .- The credit provided under this Act is inconsistent with that given by Decree Law No. 701 of 1974 and its subsequent amendments.

Article 60 .- The short, destruction or grubbing of xerophytic formations require a work plan previously approved by the Corporation, which shall consider the environmental standards set forth in Title III of this law.

Article 61 .- The small forest owners may be arranged to qualify for the benefits contemplated in this law through collective nominations, made directly or through their organizations.

Article 62 .- In all matters not expressly regulated by this law, additionally apply the provisions of Law No. 19,880, which establishes the basis of administrative procedures governing the actions of administrative bodies State.

Article 63 .- replaced, in the second paragraph of Article 35 of Law No. 19,300, on General of the Environment, the phrase "the administering body of the National System of Protected Areas State "by" the National Forest. "

Article 64 .- Traspásanse the National Forestry Corporation or its Executive Director, as appropriate, the powers, functions and powers conferred on forestry Agriculture and Livestock Service or Director, for the rules listed below:

a) Articles 14 and 28 of the Forest Act, which current text is contained in Presidential Decree No. 4363, 1931, the Ministry of Lands and Settlement;

b) Articles 6, 7, 8, °, 9 and 10 of Decree with Force of Law No. 15 of 1968, the Ministry of Agriculture, and

c) The temporary article 3 of Law No. 18,378 and regulations issued pursuant to this Code.

Article 65 .- The following amendments to Decree Law No. 701 of 1974 on Forestry Development: 1 .- Add

, Article 17, second paragraph as follows:

"For public forests, responsibility for compliance with management plans and other obligations under this Act, shall be the licensees or lessees of property tax, or the person or entity authorized to perform civil works in these premises. ".

2 .- Collate, Article 24 bis A), between the word "estate" and the end point (.), The following: "except in the case of public forests, in which case the licensee or lessee answer the respective property tax or the person or entity authorized to perform civil works in those lands. " 3 .-

Incorpórase then article 24 bis B), the following article, again:

"Article 24 bis C) .- The management plans on public forests must be signed by the licensee or lessee of the respective property tax, or the person or entity authorized to perform civil works in those land. Will require further that the management plan is executed by the Regional Ministerial Secretary of the respective National Property, which is sufficient to prove that the forester or applicant has any of the qualities listed above and there is no opposition from the Ministry of National Assets.. "

TRANSITIONAL ARTICLES Article 1 .- As not inconsistent with the provisions of this law and until new regulations are issued, shall remain in force regulations issued on the subject.

Article 2 .- The prohibitions and other regulations of Article 19 of this Law may be applied before classification referred to that provision, for those living plant native to the date of enactment of this Act, are identified as endangered, vulnerable, rare or insufficiently known in the document entitled "Book Red National Forestry Corporation.

case of specimens planted by men belonging to the respective species, this prohibition applies only to plantations has been effected pursuant to compensation or reparation measures.

Article 3 .- In the time elapsing between the passage of this law and the Decree mentioned in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the same, shall, as such, the forest types identified in Article 19 of the Technical Regulations of Decree Law No. 701 of 1974, approved by Supreme Decree No. 259 of 1980, the Ministry of Agriculture .

Article 4 .- Within 90 days from the date of publication of this law in the Official Journal, the Corporation, as provided in Title IV, set the value of the activities to be subsidized the period from the effective date of this act and the date it takes effect the first time referred to the second paragraph of Article 22.

Article 5 .- The regulations of this law shall be passed within one hundred twenty days from the date of its publication in the Official Journal.

The appointment of the members of the Advisory Council shall be made within sixty days following the date indicated in the preceding paragraph.

Article 6 .- The rules of Regulation referred to in Article 17 of this Law shall be issued within two years from the date of publication of this law in the Official Journal.

Article 7 .- As current legislation is not protecting soils and bodies and courses natural water specified in Article 17, the short regeneration through protection method Lenga forest type, the short seedling thinning oak forest type-Raulí-Coihue and regeneration felling evergreen forest type, to be guided as regards the protection of such natural compounds for management standards established by the National Forestry Corporation.

Article 8 .- In cases not covered by the rules mentioned in the previous article and until legislation is in force for the protection of soils, wetlands and bodies of water and natural resources referred to in Article 17, interventions will be subject as provided in subsections below.

felling is prohibited forests located on slopes greater than 60%, more than 30 feet, except in the case of selective logging previously authorized by the Corporation.
Prohibits the operation of native trees and shrubs on the land near streams, bodies and natural water courses, at distances indicated below, measured in horizontal projection in the plane:

a) permanent channel in any area country's average annual flow greater than 0.14 cubic meters per second, 25 meters.

b) non-permanent river beds in arid or semiarid mean annual flow greater than 0.08 cubic meters per second, 15 meters.

In the channels referred to in paragraphs a) and b) whose flows are lower than those reported in the same, there will be an exclusion zone of 5 meters on each side of the channel, in the manner described in the preceding paragraph of this article.

In the case of springs, bodies and natural water courses are not permanently located in other parts of the country, establishing a buffer zone of 5 meters on each side in the areas surrounding them. In the protection zone, short interventions should ensure the maintenance of 60% coverage. The Corporation may

increase to double or halve the distances in the a) and b), the third paragraph of this article, depending on rainfall conditions, the size of the basin, the magnitude of flow and the fragility of soils.

Exceptionally, the Corporation may authorize the cutting of trees or shrubs in these conditions, in the case of the cases reported in the fourth paragraph of Article 7, as well as for the construction of civil works, management of channels and sanitary cuts . Prohibits

cutting, destruction, disposal or impairment of native trees and shrubs located 100 meters from the declared Ramsar wetland sites and those that have been declared priority conservation sites by the National Environment Commission, measured in horizontal projection on the plane.

The management plan must specify both the necessary measures to prevent erosion and mitigate the damage that can lead to soil quality and water quantity and the residual forest, and logging systems, machinery and implements be used, seasonality of fishing operations and waste treatment.

Similarly, determine the technical standards and protection measures to be used in the construction of roads and pathways logging.. "

*** According to what is established in the second paragraph of Article 93 of the Constitution of the Republic, I hereby inform you that the project was fully conducted by the National Congress today, realizing the trade No. 1290-355, by which HE the President of the Republic to this Corporation said it had decided not to use the power under the first paragraph of Article 73 of the Constitution.

*** Under the provisions of No. 1 of the first paragraph of Article 93 of the Constitution of the Republic corresponds to the Hon. Court exercise control of constitutionality with respect to Articles 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21, 22, 28, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42 , 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 65 permanent, 4, 7 and 8 ° transition of the project.

For purposes that may be required, I would like to inform Your Excellency that:

The Chamber of Deputies, in its first constitutional, adopted articles 39, 42 and 46, usually with the 87-vote gentlemen, from 116 in fiscal year, while in particular, by the affirmative vote of 68 gentlemen, from 116 in fiscal year.

H. Senate, the second constitutional, approved the project in general, the affirmative vote of 28 senators, a total of 48 practitioners. In particular as follows: incorporated new articles 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 28, 32, 34, 35, 38, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53 , 59, 60, 61 and 65 and 4 permanent transitory significantly altered the Articles 9, 17, 22, 45 and 58, which contained no organic constitutional law matters in the first stage of consideration and amended articles 39, 42 and 46, as attested by a vote of 35 senators, a total of 38 practitioners. Third Step

Constitution, the Chamber of Deputies approved the new articles and amendments proposed by H. Senate to vote for 96 deputies, out of 116 in earnings, except for the addition of new Article 11, and amendments to articles 17 and 22, which discarded.

The Joint Commission to resolve the differences arising during the processing of the project, proposed an alternative wording for articles 11, 17 and 22 and added Articles 7 and 8 ° new transient. The report of this was passed by the House of Representatives for 79 of 118 deputies in the exercise, being penalized in H. Senate by 28 senators, a total 36-in-Office. ***

In accordance with the second paragraph of Article 77 of the Constitution, under Article 16 of Law No. 18,918, Organic Constitutional Congress, the Corporation and the H. Senate sent in consultation with the Hon. Supreme Court project, which issued the opinion. VE Deputy

copies of the responses of the Hon. Supreme Court.

Finally, let me inform you that they are not accompanied by relevant certificates were not raised question of constitutionality. God preserve your Excellency


President Chamber of Deputies

Secretary General of the Chamber of Deputies

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Differences Between Flagyl And Tindamax

Protective and environmental functions of forests

Protective and environmental functions of forests
Alvert Gottl and N. El-Hadji sene
13 to 22 October 1997, Antalya, Turkey
The forest as a natural buffer plays an important role in maintaining ecological balance, while being a key element in the landscape and a supplier of raw materials and protective services to various companies. A key policy objective forest should be to maintain the existing forest areas and try its expansion in areas with low forest cover, wherever possible (particularly in fragile ecosystems such as mountainous or dry areas) as suggested in Agenda 21. Society must maintain awareness of the multiple functions of forests, both in the use of their commodities as protective aspects, recreational and landscape structure.

The economic functions of forest resources are still very important, and the world economy is in need of wood from forests, although the sustainable management must reconcile different functions. Sustainable management ensures equitable satisfaction potentially divergent needs and aspirations.

This document will focus on observing how the overall situation of forest resources is affecting their ability to provide the protective functions usually expected of those, what are the trends in the understanding of these protective functions, how initiatives and development activities are linked to these functions and how the implementation of the UNCED Agenda 21 and related conventions helps preserve the protective functions of forests. This review will make specific reference a selected set of relatively fragile ecosystems and the XI World Forestry Congress has decided to devote particular attention, mainly mountain ecosystems and the management of watersheds, dry forests and coastal forests and swamps.

The forest can provide any protection and conservation functions expected of him if in their natural state and under good natural or ecological conditions, being used, it is managed sustainably. Under such conditions, health and vitality of the forest are very important. Efforts towards sustainable forest management incorporating these two important features among the most significant criteria for sustainable forest management. It is the vitality of forests that can grow with sufficient strength and vigor, so as to counteract the physical forces that affect soil erosion by water. The same force allows a well structured architecture and abundant foliage are opposed to wind erosion.

Vitality is an important notion and a concept that has been incorporated into the criteria for sustainable forest management. It is the result of a general physiological functioning of the body: a tree with good vitality shoots grow vigorously and produce strong, massive flowering and fruit is abundant, the ability of vegetative regeneration is very present and allows a reasonable perpetuation of training involved and therefore the normal operation of the various roles of the forest guards. Counting

health, vitality and proper condition, and secured the management and development, especially in the forest involved the following environmental and protective of importance:

• Protection of water resources . Thanks to foliage, the roughness of the bark and abundant litter, trees and forests reduce the rate of dispersion water and promote a slow but total infiltration of rainwater should also be noted the ability of trees, especially in dryland areas, to retain other precipitation such as fog, who can be collected and stored. The combination of these elements makes it possible for a seemingly barren environment is stored in the soil a large amount of water that can support the survival of trees and forests, sometimes in adverse conditions. By reducing erosion, forests also provide clean water processes natural.

• soil protection. Forest cover attenuates the wind while its dense Fixed network of roots holds the ground: This feature, added to the function in relation to water mentioned above, protects against erosion from wind and water, earth movement (debris flow and rockfall) and in cold climates, the risk of avalanches, with the combination of lower dispersion and penetration of water into the aquifers and intermediate, the forest has a cushioning effect that protects against flooding and erosion of river banks , the latter being very important role. Many of these functions may, however, be undermined by inappropriate practices and inadequate management allowing accidental denudation of the land or the existence of gaps in the masses on foot. This degradation, if unchecked, leads to deforestation which, in turn, leads to exacerbate runoff, leaching, destruction of soil structures, to an increasing erosion and eventual desertification.

• Attenuation of local climate and reducing the impact of gas emissions. Through control of the wind speed and air flow, forests influence local air circulation and can thus retain the suspension solid and gaseous elements, and filter air masses and retain contaminants. The forest has a protective effect on human settlements and especially neighboring crops. This capability is exploited for the protection of inhabited areas, especially those adjacent to industrial areas and generally in urban forests.

• Conservation of natural habitats and biodiversity . The forest provides a habitat for flora and fauna and, depending on their health and vitality and ultimately, the way it is managed and protected, it secures its own perpetuation through the functioning of ecological processes under natural circumstances, the many sequences state gradually evolve towards an equilibrium, weather formations and associations that should be the optimum depends on the characteristics of climate and physiography. In Europe, nearly half of the ferns and flowering plants grow in the forest. Due to its size and structural diversity, are more animal species in the forest than any other ecosystem. The forest's ability to provide suitable habitat to its various components are also highly dependent on the composition, density and structure. The composition and structure strongly influence diversity, while the density can improve security.
is recognized that mixed species forests provide better wildlife habitat than pure forests. This should be borne in mind when considering to plantations or forestry management and forest ecosystems profoundly modified.

• recreational and social functions of forests . Apart from these physical and biological functions directly protective forests in general have gained increasingly recreational functions during the past five decades. In the vicinity of cities, tourism has flourished and places of rest and healing, benefiting from the forest environment, in the forested areas of developed or developing countries, holiday homes again attract men into the woods. The management of woodlands in these areas should be more and more oriented towards objectives related to the welfare of the people, leisure services and recreation, protection of man against the effects of urban areas and industrialization. To better meet these needs should be taken options on forestry and forest management by promoting multi-species mass attractive and diversified structure. The forest must have the appropriate equipment, access roads and not disruptive and that will reduce fire risks.

• Protection of forests against anthropogenic erosion. While urban communities are striving to get closer to nature, while the evolution of global and local economies can be a threat for other protective functions of natural forests in the developing world where forests still maintain their functions cultural and religious. It is a challenge for the XXI century forestry also address those needs and preserve the cultural dimension of the protective functions of forests. Efforts should be made to save the tropical rain forests, the training of special plants currently under threat, the boreal forest and some old data in the temperate world, not only to protect and conserving biodiversity that these formations contain full, but also to safeguard the livelihoods and cultures related to these ecosystems. A number of innovative management options and many social forestry initiatives and community have been undertaken to address these issues, along with the preservation of sustainable lifestyles, including tests include extractive reserves in the Amazon and the new partnerships and begin to develop partnerships in countries as diverse as Mexico and Mali, etc.

Friday, June 13, 2008

What Is The Least Busy Dmv Office Los Angeles?


I invite you to read a document which, if share their content, strong. The objective is to seek to influence international bodies like the FAO to change their definition of forests while strengthening communities opposed to monoculture tree plantations through the opinion of professionals and students

forest monocultures tree plantations are not forests

American Declaration of forestry professionals in February 2008

level in Latin America governments are actively promoting the expansion of monoculture tree plantations on a large scale, despite the serious social and environmental impacts already observed in existing plantations. The promoters of this model claim that plantations are forests which is not true. Plantations are not forests. Unfortunately, many of our colleagues in the forestry support this model and our educational institutions continue to train new generations of forestry professionals to perpetuate and expand this type of forestry model aimed at seeing forests where there are none.

is why we consider it necessary to publicly state not only that monoculture tree plantations are not forests, but these plantations result or have resulted in the destruction of our native forests and other equally valuable ecosystems they replace.

At the regional level, who know most about this issue are local people who suffer directly impacts such as:

- Loss of biodiversity (food, medicine, firewood, housing materials, handicrafts, etc.)
- Alteration of the hydrological cycle, which results the decrease and depletion of sources water, as well as increased flooding and landslides.
- Decrease
food production - soil degradation
- Loss of indigenous and traditional cultures of the original ecosystems dependent
- Conflicts with forestry companies over land tenure in indigenous and traditional communities
- Decrease sources of employment in traditionally agricultural areas
- Expulsion of the rural population
- Deterioration of the landscape in tourism areas

is why forestry professionals who strive for the conservation of forests and recognize the basic rights of peoples live there must stand with those who truly defend the forests, local communities, and oppose the expansion of monoculture plantations.

We note that this process does not start today, but it had its starting point in Porto Alegre during the World Social Forum 2005. There, a group of students and professionals agreed on the need for "other forest-related training with a different way of seeing the world in which forests are not seen simply as a timber, but what they are: ecosystems diverse flora, fauna and forest peoples. "As part of that line of thought, l @ s participants we demonstrate clearly "against the establishment of extensive monocultures and large homogeneous tree plantations.

In this framework, we now appeal to students and forestry professionals to adhere to this declaration and to initiate a process within and outside the study sites, allowing those who enter this profession can do what we think then we were going to do: defend the forests and villages that depend on them. Vladimir

Filho - Student forest - Brazil
Rodrigo Catalán - Forest Engineering - Chile
Diego Alejandro Cardona - Forest Engineering - Colombia
Juan Figuerola - Forest Engineer - Costa Rica
María José López - Forester - Paraguay
Fernando Gonzalez - Forest Engineer - Paraguay
Dhayneé Orbegozo - Student forest - Peru
Ricardo Carrere - Forestry Technician - Uruguay
Catelli Marcos Rocha - Forest Engineering - Brazil
Fernanda Lopes da Fonseca - Forester - Brazil
Luiz Henrique Gomes de Moura - Forest Engineering - Brazil
Latino Fabiola Antezana - Forester - Brazil
Juliana Bavuzo - Forester - Brazil
Edwin Alpizar - Forest Engineer - Costa Rica
Thomas Ferreira - Forest Engineering - Brazil
Acácio Zuniga Leite - Forest Engineering - Brazil
Quirico Jiménez - Forest Engineer - Costa
Rica Pablo Andrade Dias - Student forest - Brazil
Monica Centron - Forester - Paraguay
Sandra Yohanna Sanchez - Forester - Colombia
Edgardo Flores Flores - Forestry Technician-Chile

professionals linked to forestry either technical forestry engineers or students interested in signing this letter may apply to mail

Thursday, June 12, 2008

When Must I Take Mydeferred Annuity?

forest trees are not much more than wood forest in the WRM

Forest much more than timber, Blog dedicated to the dissemination of multiple alternatives that exist for this type of ecosystem, other than wood, mainly from the perspective that deliver the Non-Timber Forest Products today linked to the WRM (World Rainforest Movement), World Rainforest Movement Tropical, gives us the possibility to reach many more people in our effort to contribute a bit in the constant struggle trying
preserve our forests is for this reason that to achieve this kind of recognition is extremely encouraging, so I wanted to share it with you.

The World Rainforest Movement Tropicales (WRM) is an international network of citizens' groups of North and South involved in efforts to defend the world's forests.
works to ensure the land and the livelihoods of forest-dwelling peoples and supports their efforts to defend the forests from commercial logging, dams, mining, oil, plantations, shrimp farms, colonization and other projects that threaten them.
The World Rainforest Movement Tropical Forests was founded in 1986 and initially focused its activities on the flaws of the Tropical Forestry Action Plan of the FAO and the World Bank, to confront the excesses of the tropical timber trade and the problems created by the International Timber Trade (ITTO). In 1989, the WRM published the "Declaration of Penang", in establishing a shared vision of the members of the Movement. As well as identifying the main causes of tropical deforestation and identify the shortcomings of the main official responses to the crisis of deforestation and highlights an alternative model of development for tropical forests, based on ensuring the land and means of survival of forest-dwelling peoples.
In 1998, the WRM published the "Declaration of Montevideo" and initiated a campaign against large-scale monoculture tree plantations, which are increasingly being implemented in many countries, especially in the South. These plantations have already been shown to have negative impacts at the local level, both on communities and on their environment. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness and organize opposition to this type of forest development.
WRM joined the Global Secretariat of the Joint Initiative to Address the Underlying Causes of Deforestation Forests, Intergovernmental Forum process linked to Forest. It is also the institution that serves as headquarters for the Global Forest Coalition, an organization founded by a group of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples Organizations involved in international processes related to global forest policy.
In May 2000, the WRM published the "Mount Tamalpais Declaration", urging governments not to include plantations as carbon sinks in the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and address the issue of industrial emissions separately from forest plantations.
In May 2002, a group of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples participating in the 4th. Preparatory Meeting for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg, saw the need to recognize indigenous and community management of forests as a viable tool to alleviate poverty and conserve forests and livelihoods of people dependent them. Thus, establishing the Global Caucus on Community-Based Forest Management, which the WRM is a member of its executive committee and focal point for South America.
In January 2003, when the Third World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, a group of representatives of Latin American NGOs created the Latin American Network against Monoculture Tree and elect the Secretariat of the WRM and network. The Network has since then coordinating efforts at the continental level to oppose the forest model based on monocultures of trees and to promote a use compatible with forest conservation and improving the quality of life of those who inhabit them.
In January 2004, at the World Social Forum in India, WRM part in the development of "Mumbai Initiative on Forests", draft statement of principles intended as a first contribution to the beginning of a process building global solidarity between movements, groups and individuals working on issues related to forests at local, national and international. The WRM distributes a monthly
an electronic newsletter in English, Portuguese, English and French, which is a tool for the dissemination of information on local struggles and global processes that affect forests and local people, and that at the present time reaches over 10,000 individuals and organizations in 131 countries worldwide. Also disclose relevant information and documentation in 4 languages \u200b\u200bthrough its website and in printed form.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Best Singles Resorts Punta Cana

That is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade is a trading partnership based on dialogue, transparency and respect that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions and securing the rights of small farmers and marginal workers, especially in the South.

Fair Trade organizations have a clear commitment to Fair Trade, as the core of its mission. Supported by consumers, are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and campaigning for changes in rules and practices of conventional international trade. Can be recognized by the FTO Mark.

Fair Trade goes beyond the exchange: it proves that greater justice in world trade is possible. Highlight the need for change in the rules and practices of conventional trade and shows how a successful business can also give priority to people.

The 10 Standards of Fair Trade
IFAT prescribes 10 standards to be followed by Fair Trade organizations in their daily work routine and follow a system of ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance with them:

• Creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers.

Fair Trade is a strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Its aim is to create opportunities for producers who are in economically disadvantaged or marginalized by the conventional trading system.

• Transparency and accountability.

Fair Trade requires a transparent management and commercial relations to deal fairly and respectfully with trading partners.

Capacity building Fair Trade is a means to develop producers' independence. Fair Trade relationships provide continuity, during which producers and their marketing organizations can improve their management skills and access to new markets.

• Promotion of Fair Trade
Fair Trade Organizations raise awareness about Fair Trade and the possibility of greater justice in world trade. They provide their customers with information about the organization, its products and in what conditions they are made. They use honest advertising techniques and marketing and point to the highest standards in quality and product packaging.

• Payment a fair price A fair price in the local or regional context, is one that has been agreed through dialogue and participation. It covers not only production costs but also enables production which is socially just and environmentally responsible. It provides fair pay to the producers and takes into account the principle of equal pay for equal work by women and men. Fair Traders ensure prompt payment to their partners and, where possible, help producers gain access to financing for the stages prior to planting and harvesting.

Gender Equity Fair Trade means to be properly valued and rewarded the work of women. Women are always paid for their contribution in the production process and are empowered in their organizations.

• Working Conditions
Fair Trade also refers to the work of producers a safe and healthy. The participation of children (if any) does not adversely affect their welfare, their safety and their educational and recreational requirements and adheres to the Convention on the Rights of the Child United Nations and to all laws and regulations in local context.

Child Labour Fair Trade Organizations respect the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as local laws and social norms to ensure the participation of children (if any) in production processes fairly traded goods does not adversely affect their welfare, their safety and their educational requirements and recreation. Organizations working directly with informally organized producers make explicit the participation of children in production.

Environment Fair Trade actively encourages better environmental practices and the application of responsible methods of production.

Trade Relations Fair Trade Organizations, trade with concern for social welfare, economic and environmental marginalized small producers and do not maximize their profits at the expense of them. Long-term relations based on solidarity, trust and mutual respect contribute to the promotion and growth of Fair Trade. It helps farmers with access to an advance payment in stages of pre-harvest and pre-production.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Crystal Trees For Center Pieces

Murtilla Fair Trade (molinae Ugni Turcz.) The berry native to southern Chile

The murtilla, has been used for much in food preparations traditional type of South and South Central Zone of Chile, particularly in the preparation of jams, pastries and dessert recipes such as Chilean guava in syrup alone or with jelly.
This tradition is renewed every year with the summer-autumn fruiting in where collectors harvest the wild murtilla their relics to be sold at markets and fairs, mainly in the Region of La Araucanía and Los Lagos.
However, since a couple of decades, some small agribusinesses have been buying fruit for the preparation of jams and desserts, making the demand for fresh fruit increased.
Also, some fresh fruit items have been sent abroad, with success, but because among other things continue to supply problems. Why
today, murtilla and its derivatives are more interesting as an alternative agricultural and agro?

Like any other type of product, process or service, murtilla and its derivatives depend on "attributes" for their intrinsic commercial value is higher or lower.
In this regard recent studies have indicated the existence murtilla new attributes, which has generated greater interest from the market. The following discloses the historical attributes of this fruit native and the most recent, including changes in specific attributes such as size and color of the fruit:
historical attributes for fresh consumption and in prepared foods and other products:
• Aroma of fruit: Different, pervasive and persistent
• Taste off: Unlike persistent
• Color of fruit: Shades of red to pink
attractive (in preparations tends to keep)
• Level of consumption of fruit: Total
• Fruit Size: Smaller than New attributes cranberry
for consumption in food preparations and other products:
• soluble solids content: Genotypes with high percentages of soluble solids. On average, the INIA collection
16.27 º Brix sugar • Content: In this same collection several interesting genotypes show average levels of fructose (28.39 mg / gpf)) and sucrose (111.67 mg / gpf)
• Contains antioxidants: This gene bank, there are ecotypes which have comparatively high levels of ascorbic acid (65.4 average mg/100gr), carotenoids and polyphenols.
• Contents of oils from seeds: Seeds of murtilla deliver a significant amount of linoleic acid (85.8%), surpassing that of safflower (78.7%), determination made by Pessa and Caprile in 1993.
• Storage capacity of the fruit: In storages being made in Carillanca INIA, 5 º C and 50% were HR, some genotypes only lost 3% of its weight in 45 days.
• Fruit size: Today genotypes found over 1.5 cm in diameter.
• Colors of the fruit: Carillanca INIA has a collection of ecotypes that have fruits that range from deep red to white.
• Type of food prepared: Previously, it was assumed that only served to prepared sweet murtilla today renowned Chef in Chile, salty and sour preparations made.
• murtilla sheets and cosmetic use: murtilla sheets have been designated by the company Levinia and Manfredini, green gold cosmetics, this because of its high content of polyphenols (fitoflavonas), tannins and terpenes, which have antioxidant and anti-age. This is compounded its high yield of dry extract: more than 10%, in circumstances that most plants extract about 1%.
• murtilla sheets and drug use: Recent studies by The College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Chile, we suggest anti-inflammatory and wound healing activity of leaf extracts.

Features of Species or
murtilla La Murta (Ugni Turcz molinae.) Is an endemic plant belongs to the family Myrtaceae. It is a kind of bushy growth, produces fruit globose, small, pleasant taste and aroma. The fruits are traditionally used for fresh consumption and home-made jams, syrups, desserts and liqueurs. In folk medicine is credited with astringent and stimulant.
In the wild the species develops into bushes of varying height between 0.3 m and 1.70 m, and exceptionally can reach a height greater than 3 m.

develops in the wild in southern Chile, distributed between the Seventh and Tenth Region, especially in the Cordillera de la Costa and part of the Andean foothills.

From surveys and germplasm collections made in 1996 by INIA Carillanca was observed that higher frequency of the species occurs from the central depression (72 ° LE) to the Cordillera de la Costa (74 ° SL) and from 10 to 300 meters. Weather
that characterize the habitat of the species.

climate that characterizes the areas where murtilla develops in Region VII is of the Mediterranean sea, while in Region IX and X, the climatic conditions are more variable, and can be found in areas The weather in Patagonia wet ocean, ocean warm and cold ocean ocean fresh.

Soil Characteristics Studies by INIA Carillanca murtilla showed that grows naturally in poor soils and low fertility. Chemical analysis of soil samples collected at 36 sites for the collection of germplasm between VII and X regions, led to the conclusion that in general this species grows in soils low in phosphorus and available nitrogen, low in exchangeable potassium, and high saturation rates aluminum, with a pH of 5.6 to 6.0.

previous fruit harvesting
The fruit harvest period depends on the agro-ecological zone, this task begins in Region VII in mid February and ends in mid-March. however in Region IX, collection Fruiting begins in March and ends in late April, and the X Region, especially in Chiloé, the largest amount of fruit for collection is obtained from April to May. OTHER FEATURES

chemical characteristics of seed
1993 study by the Faculty of Agronomy of the University in Ranchi Leonardo Da Vinci, showed that the fruits of their seeds murtilla have a high degree of unsaturation; important linoleic acid and linolenic acid absence, indicating that it is potentially a good source of edible oil and can become a quality dietary supplement.
According to the classification
Masson and Mella the characteristics described above would place the Murta oil within the group II of vegetable fats (over 40% linoleic acid) in this group are the main edible oil used in the country such as maize, sunflower and grape seed.

From the above studies also concluded that the seed oil of safflower exceeds murta for the content of linoleic acid (85.8% vs. 78.7%, respectively). Linoleic acid is an essential nutrient in the synthesis of prostaglandins, generation of cell membranes, mechanisms of defense and regeneration tissue. This suggests that the Murta oil would also represent a potential source in the manufacture of cosmetics.

chemical characteristics of leaves
regard, Levinia and Manfredini, a Chilean company dedicated to the development of cosmetic products, recently developed out to evaluate the feasibility of using the leaves of the murtilla in the manufacture of dermatological use . According Levinia and Manfredini murtilla sheets submitted a large amount of polyphenolic compounds, terpenes and tannins. The first are of great importance in dermo for corrective and neutralizing their effects oxidative stress. Terpenes and tannins have regulatory properties of the microcirculation, healing and astringent power. Meanwhile

researchers from the Department of Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Chile evaluated the topical anti-inflammatory activity in vivo and in vitro antioxidant activity of the apolar fractions murtilla sheets.

topical anti-inflammatory activity of extracts was evaluated in vivo in mice that were induced inflammation. The antioxidant capacity was evaluated in vitro by the DPPH discoloration test. The results indicated that the Chilean guava has high anti-inflammatory capacity.

A subsequent investigation by the same team was isolated and identified by a study bioguiado chemical compounds mainly present in the extracts obtained which are credited with topical anti-inflammatory capacity reported.

isolated and identified compounds accounted pentacyclic triterpene acids: oleanolic acid, ursolic acid and asiatic acid. There are many reports of anti-inflammatory properties of the first two and its possible mechanism of action. For his part, asiatic acid is a component of Centella asiatica, for which they have described the synthesis regulatory properties collagen involved in wound healing.

For its part the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Universidad de la Frontera is studying the effect of extraction conditions murtilla leaf on the content of polyphenolic components and antioxidant activity of extracts of leaves. From the extracts was determined by the percentage of extractable polyphenols were quantified by spectrophotometry and evaluated the antioxidant capacity by DPPH method. Results indicated

antioxidant behavior close to 95% which makes murtilla leaves a potential source of antioxidant polyphenols.

The background to below from the study of 106 ecotypes that make up the germplasm collection of INIA murtilla Carillanca.

Overall it should be noted that the Chilean guava fruits have a high variability in the color and size. With regard to fruit color variation exists depending on their area of \u200b\u200borigin. The fruits from the Region VII are pink or pale yellow, variegated fruits also being able to find, in the IX Region are mostly red, although a number of ecotypes are pink, but instead in the X region, highlighting the bright red fruits.

In relation to the diameter of the fruit, it fluctuates between 0.9 and 1.3 cm. It is important to note that the latitudinal variation significantly affects this character. As the weight per fruit, it fluctuates between 0.21 and 1.01 g. high variability observed among the materials collected. As with equatorial diameter, fruit weight increases from north to south.

This makes it clear that the fruits of greater diameter and weight are in the X region. In fact, the ecotype of greater weight and equatorial diameter is preserved in the germplasm collection Carillanca INIA Cutipay comes from the town on the island of Chiloé, X Region.

As the soluble solids of fruit, these decrease from north to south, a trend opposite to what happens to the equatorial diameter and weight. Materials available in the collection, ecotype identified with a higher content of soluble solids (28 ° Brix) comes from the Pyrenean High, in Region VII. In parallel we evaluated the content of sucrose in the fruit and seeds, pH, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid content.
Table 1.
Summary of results from the chemical analysis of the fruits of murtilla INIA collection Carillanca.

Study of genetic variability using molecular techniques
A study of genetic variability using RAPD technique was determined that there would be evaluated materials ecotypes counterpart.

plant propagation plant propagation nursery. INIA Carillanca proposes a methodology for producing plants in the nursery.

propagation in vitro for the proper establishment of plants in vitro INIA murtilla Carillanca recommended axillary buds which can be grown either in nutrient media broadleaved Tree Medium (BTM) or Fossard, both supplemented with 1 mgL-1 N-6-benzyladenine (BAP) and 50 mgL-1 of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Most shoot elongation (4.33 mm) is obtained when using the medium Fossard with 1 mgL-1 GA3 and 50 mgL-1 PvP. Studies

reproductive history and phenological murtilla

Flowering in the IX Region began in the week of December 15 being the highest bloom during the first week of January, exactly a month later than that observed in Chillan for Venegas and colleagues in 1995.
is commonly found in the pre-anthesis anthers mature pollen which accumulates at the base of the pistil and stamens. This background allows us to conclude that pollinator visits are due to the collection of pollen, not nectar removal. This conclusion is confirmed by the complete lack of nectar and pollen production high in this species.

Based on exposure and maturity of the reproductive elements, it follows that the most effective cross-pollination (xenogamous) would be presented in a period of low percentage of available flowers change in the peak flowering periods the degree of geitonogamy is high, enabling a high percentage of self-pollination.

The results of genetic tests murtilla clear that not a kind aponixtica (no seed formation in the absence of male gamete) and requires pollination. In cross-pollination obtained higher values \u200b\u200bof seed per flower self-pollination cross-comparison with. The murtilla has a 47% cross-pollination which is favored by the presence of mainly insects of the genus Bombus spp. Floral longevity is 4 days, which indicates the average time to receive the visits of pollinators.