Mujahideen DOPING: PROBATE AND FREEDOM? (II) The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard drew on his work Fear and Trembling the archetypal figure of Abraham, who being in the twilight of his days with his old wife implored God to grant her offspring. At the time, would reach the small salmon Isaac to the mountain: a counter. However, the same God who allowed with His Grace the birth of a son to Grandma sterile force Abraham to kill Isaac as a sign of faith and fought to be released in the heart of Abraham Ethics and Faith " murder or killing? Convert
the Olympic Movement Deity of new type, are released from the same individual members of the IOC doping neck of the guardian angels of a Fe untouchable. A new form of fideism transmuted. Reason is light years ahead of our feet. Pure blind passion. According to the International Olympic Committee, established three dogmas of faith to follow blindly and tape on his mouth, and for which doping is the beast to beat. Namely: it damages the ethics of sport is harmful to the athlete's health, and undermines the principle of equal opportunities. All very sweet and fatherly, but what really doping violates three provisions of the IOC or they who are responsible for undermining the integrity of the sport with their hypocrisy? Prima "Ethics or blind faith?
doping That damages the ethics of sport is difficult to assert, for since its origins have walked hand in hand. Already in the third century BC the Greeks resorted to plant extracts in potions, and various concoctions with that covered their bodies. The Columbian, meanwhile, chewed coca leaves and strychnine, while the Norse were faithful to hallucinogenic mushrooms. Since then and until today, different athletes have resorted to all kinds of substances and devices that help you get the laurel crown. But all this is, the IOC said, against the Olympic spirit. The philosopher Paul Singer, in an article published in the journal Weather , argued that sport is not just a spirit, because "people play sports to socialize, keep fit, to make money, to become famous, to prevent boredom, to find love or just for fun. " That is why those who make sports their livelihood should be able to choose any of the possible routes based on their will and freedom, marking a line between the amateur sports romance Arriscado professional battlefield where Gloria plays . Also resorted in his article Paul Singer Bioethics Professor Julian Savulescu, who directs the Center for Practical Ethics Uehiro University of Oxford, who advocates legalizing doping if not endanger the health of the athlete. Thorny, however, because the sport is harmful in itself, as discussed below. Expressed in identical terms for years Samaranch, who recite that doping should not be prohibited when improved athletic performance, but when they endanger the health of the athlete. In this vein, with the hot oil in pan, prepare to make the omelette without breaking eggs it seems very complicated.
According to the IOC itself, doping is "the use of an artisan (substance or method) potentially dangerous to athletes' health and / or able to improve performance, or the presence in the body of the athlete of a substance or test the application of a method that appears on a list attached to Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code. " Thus, it seems almost arbitrary that the IOC ban injections of erythropoietin and instead allow training at high altitude. It could be argued with circumflex gesture: is that one is artificial and the other is natural! And at that moment the curtain would open in the background hinting at a huge hypoxic chamber. Why are athletes allowed to sleep with their mouth masks in limiting the concentration of oxygen in the air when the aim is simply to artificially increase the production of EPO? Do not scratch the obscenity of such a contradiction? The definition of IOC with bold highlights words substances and methods, but in practice seems to pursue only the substance. Why this obsession with chemicals? Is everything natural is good and all the chemical is harmful? As Henry Miller wrote, a doctor, biologist and researcher at Stanford University, is like cheating, childish game of good and bad when all things, both natural and synthetic, are composed of chemicals, including our own body. In the dose is the poison. Further afield, there are many natural products which, while having the same effects than synthetic ones, are unknown health risks in the absence serious scientific research. That is why the United States FDA-Food and Drug Administration, is trying to remove certain products, such as in the case of ephedrine, slip into the market through the eye of the needle because they are offered for sold as dietary products even without nutritional value, for the simple reason that the controls are much more permissive and lax in this area.
Thus, following the fashion-stimulant ephedrine in sport-in the United States and rest of world has crept into the market as a nutritional additive "ma huang, Chinese ephedra, ma huang extract, ephedra, ephedrine alkaloids , ephedra sinica, ephedra extract, ephedra herb powder, epitonin or ephedrine. " However, the IOC warned that they all can cause an equally positive in a doping control while parading through the market as completely safe. In fact, in the Olympic Games in Los Angeles a Japanese athlete tested positive for ingesting an infusion of ephedra or ma huang and ginseng. According to reports made to the FDA, only ten people were killed two years due to ephedrine in its various forms, seventeen ended up with permanent injuries, ten with hemiplegia ... all thanks to the open market, uncontrolled by which the slip natural products as if it were cotton candy, especially through the internet. Why not demand the same controls to synthetics? Is it not close or open the circle alike? Or better yet, would not it be more logical to implement a doping programs attended by physicians who know the positive and negative effects of the substance and based on the athlete chose them according to their freedom? Since the IOC Foremen fight with great determination against doping in defense of the athlete's health, it would be a step forward and cross the Rubicon with all its consequences in order to end the underground and black markets.
However, the intrigue of IOC has a lot to do with the outside Trileros deceives winks while your buddy particular traps to be brave and stand next two and a bet. Pats on the back between themselves and the anti-doping agencies, while giving a bath hurtful disappointments. Spanking right and left, Capulets and Montagues, but who looks for the integrity of the boxer struck? Do not leave this sport serious physical and psychological sequelae in those who practice it? And all those climbers who stay at stumps after seeing how his fingers are frozen? And the decline of white blood cells below the minimum which many divers because of the mixture breathe? In the absence of serious arguments, which prime the husks and delirium. The philosopher Claudio Tamburrini, the Stockholm Center for Bioethics, said the sport was no longer long health. And besides boxers who end up as wheat grain passed through the wheel, consider the many injuries suffered by athletes at retirement, as in the case of Carl Lewis, who suffers from arthritis of the three pairs of noses due to overtraining endured for years. And not alone. Going further still, there are psychological problems. According to studies by Ricardo de la Vega and Francisco García Ucha, "the retired athletes show that emotional reactions can be very different to the process of integration into everyday life. Reactions occur with anxiety, depression and even psychosomatic symptoms. Ie, there are physical diseases, metabolic or functional involving the former athlete. " IOC spoke "individual freedom of the athlete assumes the risk to their health of high competition and over-training? "It impedes the ascent of the mountain climber who puts his life at the limit to up to six thousand feet? All act on the basis of their own freedom, sacrificing a level of health by the immediacy of the records and glory. Given the IOC police effort and concern for the health of the cherubim, could create a Control Brigade Training and Competition-like phrases that both the bureaucrats, health benefit of a homogenized and ... goodbye, lamb! Absurd, right? For just as absurd is the fact concerned about the health of an athlete who uses banned substances more than what he gets worried. Liberticidio no more.
Furthermore, IOC honchos forget that the sword cuts both ways. Limit individual freedom, still chasing a supposed benefit, may have the opposite effect. In the field of doping is gradually shaping a future even more difficult. And is that when closed a door opens a window: gene doping. Term, moreover, has already been defined by the World Anti-Doping Agency itself as "the therapeutic use of genes, genetic material and / or cells that have the ability to enhance sports performance." In the case of recombinant EPO, to be a semi-synthetic substance can be detected in routine doping controls. But what happens when he moves to gene doping? In this case, "is inserted the gene for EPO in muscle along with a genetic switch that triggers when the muscular oxygen levels are low, leading to an increase in endogenous EPO undetectable by the methods of control normal "notice to mariners. So much so that three years ago a German coach Thomas Springstein, was arrested after trying to purchase Repoxygen. According to Oxford BioMedica, a British laboratory workers in product development, "have passed the preclinical stage and are already working in the clinical phase. The Repoxygen is a virus that acts as transport of the EPO gene and a controller oxygen levels. At the moment there is a shortage of oxygen, the active Repoxygen injected EPO gene and starts producing a legion of red blood cells. This makes for squaring the circle. The IOC and WADA, looking for the pipe dream and the world Hansel and Gretel ideal based on blind faith, laboratories and athletes get to open all the windows of the house Olympic tired of knocking. And there it meanders. It is said that at the dawn of the EPO did it to the world of sport through the black market rather than hospitals. A precedent.
And that will end up doing good stepping evil. The assumed equality of opportunity is demolished flying thanks to juggle hypocrites. Far from accepting that equal conditions and opportunities are light years ahead of arbitrary pure sport of Mother Nature, choose to fatten. We said that the biological condition of a distance runner Ethiopia is not the same as those of Madrid, but we can pull the thread all we want to find inequalities. According to a study of Howard University, the world speed records have their rights of authorship largely in the hands of black athletes because they "tend to have longer limbs less circumference, which increases the height of their centers of gravity, while Asians and whites tend to have larger torsos, so that its center of gravity is lower And we find not only benefit the sprinters. According to the work of Exercise Unit, University of Cape Town, African runners have 'a increased oxidative enzyme activity at the muscular level, a delay in blood lactate accumulation and a greater capacity to prolong the final phase of the effort before reaching fatigue "are all the inequalities that help to reduce these hundredth that differentiate elite sprinter Kenyan distance runner mediocre or Slovenian. Paul Singer called the genetic lottery.
is why it is ridiculous for the IOC to strive to pursue the inequalities in order to plant a forest with no trees stand out from the other when the sport holds in itself disparities in conditions, opportunities, results and Moreover, media. Or do not repair international organization, or Olympic Creche, which means available to American athletes are not the same as those which have at their disposal the Namibians? And not just in terms of equipment and materials, but also high performance centers, research teams, medical advances, etc. With these cards on the table, why the IOC would refuse the possibility of obtaining chemically Azar improvements that the Lord has given me no? Am I not the sole and exclusive owner of my body? Inequalities are not only by excess, but also by de-fec-to. It is for this reason that the fight should not focus only on foot door, high performance centers or developing new materials, but the athlete should have full rights to all of the law that, based on their own freedom given lab will help fill the black holes of physiological architecture and genetics. Marion Jones may not need to win the THG as Lance Armstrong did not have to have recourse to the EPO to achieve the seven Tour de France. The good thing about Lance was fourth with twelve years in a swimming test of 1500 meters where he faced competitors from all over Texas, while Jones had his mark among the top twenty world's leading fifteen. In the case of Lance Armstrong, doctors Ger Bongaerts & Theo Wagener and wrote in the journal Medical Hypotheses, an article entitled: increased hepatic gluconeogenesis: the secret of the success of Lance Armstrong . Doctors say "it is the liver's ability to synthesize glucose and energy for muscle action. And, most importantly in this case, also to remove lactic acid (produced by muscle work and causes pain and fatigue, in addition to the cramps) and convert it into glucose precisely. This is the internal key, metabolic success of Armstrong, as removal of lactic acid not only prevented but feel tired also got an extra energy for your efforts "genetic lottery"? It is quite probable. A few days ago
Naím published a newspaper article entitled Necrophilia ideas. criticized and blind love for the dead ideas, passion overflowed into lost causes. Necrophilia is perhaps the same ideas that invade the provosts of the IOC in their struggle for an uphill battle and its origins. But these will: collecting corpses taxidermists, strictly for the benefit of their own holy war against doping while in his Vatican corruption grow like mushrooms after rain. And, Naim himself as concluded, "love is blind love for ideologies which also help to stay in power is not only blind, but also very convenient"