Nothing should be more embarrassing for a mature society that trashy indoctrination of their infants and puppies, because the chain supports what resists the weakest link. As fragile as a sloop of straw, from the cradle to proselytize those who will touch your chest to swell like roosters poultry with the fall of the leaves is symptomatic of a society that gives its last throes of death. First to walk and then, if you will, that runs from one end to the savanna as a gazelle, but between duty and the self can open a channel or the Panama Canal. And it is to ask educators and decorum maestrillos of the new school is like asking popcorn in the Gulf. Nothing, barking at the moon, hang clothes in the middle of a storm.
Last February 28 was held for another year, the Day of Andalusia. The eve of the celebration become a whole catechism in children or new catechumens receive the first preaching. Comes later in life, eating and drinking it, Andalucista Baptism. Thousands of idiots singing the Hymn to the Sun while flying their green and white flags that they made of cardboard during the mornings of catechesis. Not fail, of course, that professor who Campanula voice harangues the troops with slogans benjamines Blas Infante, Padre and exegete Staff Andaluces. All very paternal and ceremony. A true community in which small receive the sacrament of the Eucharist as light indoctrination. And of those powders, this sludge. A mud in which thousands of Andalusians as sucking gay romp but which still live no more than that kid that one day she sang the Anthem of Andalusia in the schoolyard. A andalucismo of chicha and turnip in which Flag, Anthem and parents as their Holy Trinity. Rarely goes beyond the slogan and mantra. More difficult is to find a fierce Andalucista surpassing the "land and liberty ask!". Impossible if we through the maze of life of Blas Infante. The symbols that can do everything. And as it turns out he sees more ass the higher the monkey climbs the palm tree in these is the andalucismo: flag and handling from the cradle to the grave.
was back in 2007 when Alejo Vidal Quadras comprehensive cretin called Blas Infante. Those who waved their flags years ago began to salivate like Pavlov's dogs to the stimulation of hostility. That is the true nature of conditioning. That is the ultimate goal of servility. Also the children of Nazi Germany were dharma in school to make the jump to the Hitler Youth, proselytizing, although Andalusian paid. So do not hesitate to stand on his kepi and epaulettes to those who do not do more than naming a real miserable as Blas Infante, become over the years the banner of Andalusia. And, far from hagiography to use, the life of San Blas Infante had more than shahid or martyr of Allah that the Holy Father andalucismo authentic. And it is not merely literary but cabalísima truth. Good old Prince Ahmad, a name he took after his conversion to Islam at a mosque in Morocco back in 1924, devoted much of his life to reinvent a History of Spain in general and Andalucia in particular, in their authentic was to look for roots in South Africa, finding in the seventh century the seed of Andalucian genius. So much so that, in the style of Mein Kampf, would write that "Andalucía never was a people spiritually servile. Nature was created by people of spirit, sir. And today, enslaved, does not work, send [...] Neither the North nor the Christian fundamentalists were Andalusian South. If popular opinion supports and repeat the foreign nature of the host African symmetry in logic should like to call those "ifranyi" which they said heirs of Andalusia where descended into cries of the barbarians invading Goths, who sank Rome "And this was consistent with the cameo that the very flag Islam Betis made at the Regional Assembly of Round stole the green banner of the Umayyads and, more specifically, green and white Moorish kingdom of Granada, sweeping the classic red and white. Not to mention the campaign launched in 1931 by the Boards liberally in favor of building a large mosque in Seville as a counterweight to the scourge of Christianity. Just ran the prostitution or older own coat of Andalusia, it is no coincidence that in 1922 changed the "Spain" emblem with "Iberia" in black and white being the "Andalusia for themselves, Iberia and mankind."
But made as dowsers find water, what better shows that these Ahmad Mujahid other words of Infante calling the Islamization of Andalusia, "The Prophet of our ancestors of Al-Andalus, as all the prophets, will be our prophet and of all free men as much as tell the truth, announced this truth incontrovertible: "Woe to the day that a spirit does not understand a different spirit. For the spirit is spirit as the light is light! "Working with extreme caution on these principles for Andalucia again be inspired by his own genius and that his book back to being the Al-Koran"
Moreover, slogans marketing trinkets souk, barn with more straw than wheat, which left us rebañega Pastor of Andalusia. And nothing like a good string of painted slogans and phrases to receive communion even with heavy millstones. On occasion, however, they are like rose water, which is good smell but that should not be swallowed. Behind such a statement of faith and dogma are the flasks and test tubes of social engineering laboratories, zealous and diligent, squeeze the lies and half truths in order to get out of the blue goblins and basilisks those irons. The old idea of \u200b\u200ba free Andalusia, without bridle or neck horcates, full of independence, calling for a stolen land after centuries of war and oppression, can be filled with the poetry of braided clouds Magin which streamlines in verse, but the reality is written in prose.
oppression that goes well beyond the time the domain of Andalusian landowners, for the good of Blas Infante Castile saw the gates of the underworld and the figure of the same head Trastámara evil, haggard in real Hydra with the consortium of Ferdinand and Isabella. And, as the father of Andalusia, Al-Andalus would be a kind of paradise on earth in which the coexistence of three cultures, as mellifluous and caramelized, settle for a single inclusive culture clearly differentiated from the Christian West. Thesis defended by Américo Castro in contrast to the old idea of \u200b\u200bhis archenemy particular, Sánchez Albornoz, who defended the Reconquista and Spain the Catholic Monarchs returned to the fold of western Latin world who came and never had to leave but for the manifest stupidity of their predecessors. And is that the roots of Islam direct assembly are to be found precisely there, in a Visigoth kings felt that although genuine passion morbid and arrows hang, coming with it until the disintegration of the kingdom itself, did not run better luck with arrival of the Muslims, who, taking advantage of the situation as the serpent takes advantage of the rodent burrow to wait for breakfast inside witizanos allied with the confidence that gives a usurer to be shifting their cake at the gates of the fall of Rodrigo. But not only his throne would fall. Thus, leaving the door open house in the blink of an eye, he settled in the Peninsula an Islam that was just starting to stand, with less than a century of existence to his credit and, therefore, little wrought institutionally. That's where it should remove that sort of peaceful coexistence, at the dawn of Al-Andalus, as a few of thousands of Muslims would need several hundred years to condense the amalgam of religion and power that, dull and disjointed in its origin, could not tolerate more than three million Christians invaded. But the tables change over the years. So much so that there would be an authentic Christian extermination with the arrival of the Almoravids to Granada and subsequent conversion decrees. A whole nursery of brotherhood and integration, the teacher would say San Blas.
Thus, nature is neither forceps delivery took place in the mythical Arcadia of Al-Andalus, the mother of a new culture clearly differentiated from its Latin roots. And is that the Andalusian legacy is neither racial, or ethnic or even cultural. The first thing is confirmed by population studies and something as basic as the sense of sight. Handle the latest data provided outside elements art and architecture, as well as a glossary, as pointed out by the Arabist Serafin Fanjul, non-conformity in the thirteenth century more than 0.5% of the volume of the same and limited to material life and agriculture. More striking still found in the artistic field. Sánchez Albornoz himself would take the wallet a pretty amazing book: "The architect Leopoldo Torres Balbas, the best connoisseur of Islamic art peninsular, zealous investigator of their projections in Christian Spain and a great devotee of Arabic, has reviewed the record of the decoration Hispano mural in a study published in the past year. From it follows that Villajoyosa (Alicante) and The Coconuts (Cáceres) have found abundant remains of wall plaster in buildings Hispano of third and fourth centuries of our era. [...] These pre-Islamic English plaster, recently discovered, they should not be the only ones that adorned the walls of buildings Hispanic Romans. San Isidoro referred to this technique in his Etymologies. [...] One of the most characteristic elements of the English Moorish art would, therefore, clear premusulmana Hispanic roots, as were many other practices, institutions and ways of life, thought and expression. Just ignore the historical substructure of Spain can anyone remotely surprised by the persistence in Al-Andalus of this complex, multifaceted and deep pre-Islamic heritage. "
With these rushes, not arbitrary or casual leaving the revisionists as honeycomb the bees come in search of flowers in order to reap the irreconcilable halves history and from which to make a caricature of it with patience clerk . And, falling on his knees before Al-Andalus cocean while our Christian roots may have two faces, one sharp as the spine and the other cotton as the pappus. And it's this edge, the makeup and tricky, from which the foremen of revisionism can sip the sweet nectar of power by force of mediocrity their calves. How cowardly manipulation starts in schools, by losing a sense of reality to a legion of Benjamin, eager to regain old Robin Hoods as Blas Infante, just closer to that Alonso Quijano one day ended up losing the Seseras with so novel of chivalry, as pure literature is that from which rises the building of separatism and how large amounts of power walks giving. The rest comes by itself. The reality, once again, colliding with desire. What do you wonder at the ikastolas and spiders? It only takes a 28-F.