is estimated that for every hectare wasteland can be removed 1500 kg. fresh food. White Quinoa contains 3 times more calcium than milk. Tooth Leon has 12 times more vitamin A than lettuce and more iron than spinach
Nutritional value of edible weeds
There is also the word 'weed', which comes from the Quechua yuyu, vegetables, which is in Argentina a derogatory sense. However, in Peru the term applies to tender and edible herbs and in Colombia and Ecuador to the seasoning herbs. In that article renamed 'buenezas' to edible weeds, as the paradox that in some places it is fighting in others they are collected as food, and until they are grown and exported. For example, the stock market Shepherd, Capsella bursa-pastoris ", and amaranth, Amaranthus spp-exported from Korea and Taiwan to the U.S., a country that reach about 19 edible weeds. Given its application in fine restaurants have already begun to grow 11 of these species in the U.S..
An interesting case is the white quinoa and Chenopodium album, also called quinhuilla in Patagonia pigweed pigweed pigweed in Mexico and Spain-white. In Mexico and Japan sells in the markets for their excellent culinary skills, it is eaten raw in salads, or cooked in many ways, in soups, stews, pies, cannelloni, etc., As you would spinach. As we commented a well known chef Argentine league white quinoa better than spinach, flour, and it has a lower percentage of water, and is therefore very useful for making green noodles. This plant is a good source of vitamins A and C, and contains three times more calcium than milk or cream cheese, according to data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture (USDA). Remember that other weeds are high in calcium is the stinging nettle, Urtica dioica.
EI-Dandelion-Taraxacum officinale, is sold in various markets in the U.S. at a rate of about $ 30 per kilogram of dry grass, or $ 44 per kilogram of dried root, in commercial packages emphasizes its known properties' stimulating liver function. " In addition to its medicinal value, the good food, now forgotten, is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. According to the nutritional parameters of the database of the USDA, dandelion leaves contain similar levels of crude vitamin A than carrots 'baby', the newly-grown, and more iron, magnesium and calcium than most vegetables grown.
An interesting feature of the weeds to adapt to different climatic changes such as drought, soil compaction, fire and other environmental disturbances produced man, if you notice any vacant lot is easy to see that among the plants are stronger and luxuriant weeds. The properties make them more useful weeds in winter and early spring, when plants have not grown yet grown. On the other hand, do not plant them, fertilize or water them. In the Bariloche area abound at an average of 1300 kg per hectare, but may reach up to 7 tons / ha. In hot weather, such as Coatepec, Mexico, increases both the amount, the average is 2100 kg / ha and diversity compared to species in Patagonia.
try to make an analysis of the nutritional properties of some common weeds, those that abound in the field and in the city, gardens, orchards, vacant lots, suburban streets and highways. These plants have proven to have excellent food qualities, as long as precautions are followed not collected in polluted areas, for example where there are many dogs, cats, pigs and other pets-in garbage dumps or in plantations sprayed with pesticides, or where there is a high flow automotive. If you suspect the presence of pets, it is best eaten cooked, the heat will destroy any parasites. If it is a path paved with high-flow of vehicles which emit heavy metals, asbestos and other contaminants that plants can concentrate, it is recommended to collect more than fifty yards from the road.
Nutritional value of edible weeds
Published in the Journal Popularization of Science and Technology Association Science Today
Volume 13, No. 76, August / September 2003
Alejandro D González
CONICET and Centro Atomico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro
Rhonda Janke
Dept. of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources, Kansas State University, Manhattan
Eduardo H Rapoport Ecotone Laboratory, Universidad Nacional del Comahue and CONICET
A weed is' a plant that grows in a place that the man considered inappropriate. " There are 10,000 species of weeds, of which between 20 and 30 percent are edible.
In a previous article in the journal Science today (see Science Today 49:30-43,1998) we referred to the diversity and abundance of some wild plants colonizing, commonly called 'weeds' or 'weeds', and explain which are suitable for consumption. The term has become pejorative weeds, but keep in mind that there are over 2000 edible species in the world, many people base their food in them and even the grown and marketed. Recall that the only definition that weed is' a plant that grows in a place that the man considered inappropriate. "
Volume 13, No. 76, August / September 2003
Alejandro D González
CONICET and Centro Atomico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro
Rhonda Janke
Dept. of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources, Kansas State University, Manhattan
Eduardo H Rapoport Ecotone Laboratory, Universidad Nacional del Comahue and CONICET
A weed is' a plant that grows in a place that the man considered inappropriate. " There are 10,000 species of weeds, of which between 20 and 30 percent are edible.
In a previous article in the journal Science today (see Science Today 49:30-43,1998) we referred to the diversity and abundance of some wild plants colonizing, commonly called 'weeds' or 'weeds', and explain which are suitable for consumption. The term has become pejorative weeds, but keep in mind that there are over 2000 edible species in the world, many people base their food in them and even the grown and marketed. Recall that the only definition that weed is' a plant that grows in a place that the man considered inappropriate. "
There is also the word 'weed', which comes from the Quechua yuyu, vegetables, which is in Argentina a derogatory sense. However, in Peru the term applies to tender and edible herbs and in Colombia and Ecuador to the seasoning herbs. In that article renamed 'buenezas' to edible weeds, as the paradox that in some places it is fighting in others they are collected as food, and until they are grown and exported. For example, the stock market Shepherd, Capsella bursa-pastoris ", and amaranth, Amaranthus spp-exported from Korea and Taiwan to the U.S., a country that reach about 19 edible weeds. Given its application in fine restaurants have already begun to grow 11 of these species in the U.S..
An interesting case is the white quinoa and Chenopodium album, also called quinhuilla in Patagonia pigweed pigweed pigweed in Mexico and Spain-white. In Mexico and Japan sells in the markets for their excellent culinary skills, it is eaten raw in salads, or cooked in many ways, in soups, stews, pies, cannelloni, etc., As you would spinach. As we commented a well known chef Argentine league white quinoa better than spinach, flour, and it has a lower percentage of water, and is therefore very useful for making green noodles. This plant is a good source of vitamins A and C, and contains three times more calcium than milk or cream cheese, according to data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture (USDA). Remember that other weeds are high in calcium is the stinging nettle, Urtica dioica.
EI-Dandelion-Taraxacum officinale, is sold in various markets in the U.S. at a rate of about $ 30 per kilogram of dry grass, or $ 44 per kilogram of dried root, in commercial packages emphasizes its known properties' stimulating liver function. " In addition to its medicinal value, the good food, now forgotten, is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. According to the nutritional parameters of the database of the USDA, dandelion leaves contain similar levels of crude vitamin A than carrots 'baby', the newly-grown, and more iron, magnesium and calcium than most vegetables grown.
An interesting feature of the weeds to adapt to different climatic changes such as drought, soil compaction, fire and other environmental disturbances produced man, if you notice any vacant lot is easy to see that among the plants are stronger and luxuriant weeds. The properties make them more useful weeds in winter and early spring, when plants have not grown yet grown. On the other hand, do not plant them, fertilize or water them. In the Bariloche area abound at an average of 1300 kg per hectare, but may reach up to 7 tons / ha. In hot weather, such as Coatepec, Mexico, increases both the amount, the average is 2100 kg / ha and diversity compared to species in Patagonia.
try to make an analysis of the nutritional properties of some common weeds, those that abound in the field and in the city, gardens, orchards, vacant lots, suburban streets and highways. These plants have proven to have excellent food qualities, as long as precautions are followed not collected in polluted areas, for example where there are many dogs, cats, pigs and other pets-in garbage dumps or in plantations sprayed with pesticides, or where there is a high flow automotive. If you suspect the presence of pets, it is best eaten cooked, the heat will destroy any parasites. If it is a path paved with high-flow of vehicles which emit heavy metals, asbestos and other contaminants that plants can concentrate, it is recommended to collect more than fifty yards from the road.
Nutrients in numbers and graphs
can appreciate the high nutritional value of weeds 'good' when compared with commonly grown vegetables. Figure 1 shows the content of vitamins A and C of various weeds and some cultivated plants, and Figure 2 compares the contents of calcium and iron with food of different origins. These parameters are mandatory nutritional labeling on food, according to international codes, other vitamins and minerals, while important, are not considered required from the point of view bromatological.
Figure 1. Vitamins A and C in edible weeds and other foods. The amounts of vitamin C are expressed in milligrams and vitamin A in International Units (IU), in both cases per 100 grams edible portion. Although the roots of some plants are also edible, only the fresh leaves are included in the data.
Figure 2. Comparison of calcium and iron in edible weeds and food from various sources.
Figures 1 and 2 we included the few species that have bromatológicos studies. Most of the values \u200b\u200bwere obtained from the database of the USDA, which is freely accessible via the Internet. As both the horizontal and vertical scale is linear, it can make a direct visual comparison of different values. We can see that, generally, the 'buenezas' are located on top of one or more of the nutrients representative. For example, white quinoa contains more vitamin C than oranges (Figure 1), while the dandelion plant is richer in iron and also contains more calcium than milk (Figure 2).
The herbs, whose properties are presented in Figures 1 and 2 are complete and comprehensive food because they contain carbohydrates, proteins, oils, vitamins and minerals as well as a set of substances related to the processes of growth, development and defense that operates the plant in its adaptation from insects, diseases and ultraviolet radiation. Studies conducted in 1977 by the American Institute for Cancer Research and World Cancer Research Fund cancer prevention through diet have indicated the existence of a preventive action of some vegetables and fruits. Many of the substances contained in plants have not yet been identified, nor are they known about the biochemical mechanisms that operate through them, but accepted that the amount consumed and the variety play an important role in preventing of these diseases.
generally considered that the plants are a good source of protein, partly because they contain a high percentage of water, usually between 80 and 95 percent. Therefore, a direct comparison with the amount of protein in other dry foods such as nuts, meats or cheeses, originating comparative values \u200b\u200bthat do not conform to reality. But it can be a valid comparison with the milk, which contains high levels of protein and 88 percent water.
All data are expressed as grams per 100g of edible portion (USDA), except the amount of energy, expressed as the percentage of energy coming from the protein content.
Figure 1. Vitamins A and C in edible weeds and other foods. The amounts of vitamin C are expressed in milligrams and vitamin A in International Units (IU), in both cases per 100 grams edible portion. Although the roots of some plants are also edible, only the fresh leaves are included in the data.
Figure 2. Comparison of calcium and iron in edible weeds and food from various sources.
Figures 1 and 2 we included the few species that have bromatológicos studies. Most of the values \u200b\u200bwere obtained from the database of the USDA, which is freely accessible via the Internet. As both the horizontal and vertical scale is linear, it can make a direct visual comparison of different values. We can see that, generally, the 'buenezas' are located on top of one or more of the nutrients representative. For example, white quinoa contains more vitamin C than oranges (Figure 1), while the dandelion plant is richer in iron and also contains more calcium than milk (Figure 2).
The herbs, whose properties are presented in Figures 1 and 2 are complete and comprehensive food because they contain carbohydrates, proteins, oils, vitamins and minerals as well as a set of substances related to the processes of growth, development and defense that operates the plant in its adaptation from insects, diseases and ultraviolet radiation. Studies conducted in 1977 by the American Institute for Cancer Research and World Cancer Research Fund cancer prevention through diet have indicated the existence of a preventive action of some vegetables and fruits. Many of the substances contained in plants have not yet been identified, nor are they known about the biochemical mechanisms that operate through them, but accepted that the amount consumed and the variety play an important role in preventing of these diseases.
generally considered that the plants are a good source of protein, partly because they contain a high percentage of water, usually between 80 and 95 percent. Therefore, a direct comparison with the amount of protein in other dry foods such as nuts, meats or cheeses, originating comparative values \u200b\u200bthat do not conform to reality. But it can be a valid comparison with the milk, which contains high levels of protein and 88 percent water.
All data are expressed as grams per 100g of edible portion (USDA), except the amount of energy, expressed as the percentage of energy coming from the protein content.
Table 1 shows a comparison of the macronutrients present in various foods, including dock (Rumex crispus) also known as' Iengua cow. " The data allow us to conclude that the concentration of protein in the weeds is not negligible. The last line in the table represents the percentage of total calories when food is consumed from protein. All weeds tabulated here provide more energy from protein than milk or cream cheese, as they have less fat. It is noteworthy that, in absolute grams per 100g of product, the protein content in dandelion and amaranth are close to that of milk, while the white quinoa is slightly higher. Also included cream cheese in comparison to have a reference to a product with lower water content. Indeed, the chemical composition of these plants may vary in soil, growth stage and geographic region. For example, the dock, in samples analyzed in Puebla, Mexico, the Instituto Nacional de Nutrición 'Salvador Zubirán', higher protein yields values \u200b\u200b(3.6 g per 100g of leaves) than this table. The high nutritional quality
Dandelion is best appreciated when compared to a plant of similar use, the common or native lettuce. Has 1.7 times more protein, lipids 3.5 times, 3.9 times more carbohydrates, 5.2 times more calcium, 2.8 times more iron, and twice or five times practically all the vitamins and minerals, except pantothenic acid and folic acid. The differences are even greater when compared with type cabbage lettuce.
Returning to the analysis of proteins, now considering its components, amino acids. In the treaties of nutrition assesses the quality of the protein by analyzing the content of nine amino acids called essential because our bodies are those that can not manufacture and must therefore be provided in the diet.
Dandelion is best appreciated when compared to a plant of similar use, the common or native lettuce. Has 1.7 times more protein, lipids 3.5 times, 3.9 times more carbohydrates, 5.2 times more calcium, 2.8 times more iron, and twice or five times practically all the vitamins and minerals, except pantothenic acid and folic acid. The differences are even greater when compared with type cabbage lettuce.
Returning to the analysis of proteins, now considering its components, amino acids. In the treaties of nutrition assesses the quality of the protein by analyzing the content of nine amino acids called essential because our bodies are those that can not manufacture and must therefore be provided in the diet.
Figure 4. Amino acid content in white quinoa, compared with different foods.
Figures 3 and 4 show the comparison between some common and some of the weeds listed here. The data were extracted from the USDA, but we could not include all edible weeds wish for lack of data. Quantities are represented by following a standard procedure, which expresses the amount of amino acid in milligrams per gram of protein. It represents eight of the nine essential amino acids and the sum of methionine and cysteine \u200b\u200bpairs, and phenylalanine and tyrosine, since its detection is done jointly.
Figure 3 shows the comparison of spectra of amino acids for foods listed in Table 1, except dandelion. 'EI AA pattern for the weeds and milk products is very similar, except methionine. However, the sum of methionine and cysteine \u200b\u200bpair, which has its sulfur content, is comparable to milk and weeds. Figure 4 compares a variety of foods, and observed that the white quinoa has a similar amino acid spectrum of products animals usually thought of as suppliers of good quality protein but obviously not discuss the superiority of breast milk for young children.
It seems important to note that the white quinoa, one of the weeds with improved nutritional parameters, and also very tasty and delicate taste with a touch nutty when crude-is one of the most aggressive weeds in the humid Pampas. Is also known that quinoa is a favorite food of cows, left in a paddock virgin, will eat the root.
Figures 3 and 4 show the comparison between some common and some of the weeds listed here. The data were extracted from the USDA, but we could not include all edible weeds wish for lack of data. Quantities are represented by following a standard procedure, which expresses the amount of amino acid in milligrams per gram of protein. It represents eight of the nine essential amino acids and the sum of methionine and cysteine \u200b\u200bpairs, and phenylalanine and tyrosine, since its detection is done jointly.
Figure 3 shows the comparison of spectra of amino acids for foods listed in Table 1, except dandelion. 'EI AA pattern for the weeds and milk products is very similar, except methionine. However, the sum of methionine and cysteine \u200b\u200bpair, which has its sulfur content, is comparable to milk and weeds. Figure 4 compares a variety of foods, and observed that the white quinoa has a similar amino acid spectrum of products animals usually thought of as suppliers of good quality protein but obviously not discuss the superiority of breast milk for young children.
It seems important to note that the white quinoa, one of the weeds with improved nutritional parameters, and also very tasty and delicate taste with a touch nutty when crude-is one of the most aggressive weeds in the humid Pampas. Is also known that quinoa is a favorite food of cows, left in a paddock virgin, will eat the root.