"We lived on the assumption that what was good for us was good for the world, we were wrong
We must change our way of life, so it is possible to live with the opposite assumption, that what is good for the world is good for us and that requires make the effort to meet the world and learn what is good for him, we must learn to cooperate with their processes and learn to give before its limits
Only by attitude of humility and reverence before the mute will be possible for our species to remain in the "Wendel Berry
You can use the forest as a provider and providing income through sustainable practices that ensure resource sustainability;, understanding sustainability as more than the prolongation of the existence of the species that compose it, but you must act responsibly, and that eventually the economy and the environment are the same, and if something is antiambiental is uneconomical, as the need arises to work if conservation is a consequence of good management practices used in production, or production and consequence of the conservation
growth and development not only be achieved at the expense of our natural resources and our landscape, our province has species of endangered flora, fauna also, very important wetlands, which harbor a very important biodiversity and natural areas each day
fall further question then arises how to transfer the real need that exists to conserve and change our way of relating to the environment, and to convey that not everything is measured in terms of immediate economic value, and convey not only what is packable, measurable and marketable is important, and raise awareness? and appreciate what you have
Maybe I should talk about how ecosystem services influence all economic activities, perhaps you could talk about how these services regulate our climate, could speak of tremendous cultural value of the forest and its close relationship with indigenous perhaps mention how the forest has been, is and remains active ingredients provider to treat many diseases (forest healer), the forest could speak as nutritious and often discard species as weeds today reveal its tremendous nutritional value such as Quelon (machinery), which is one of the species with the highest antioxidant content, species and Araucaria who have been silent witnesses of indiscriminate logging and how their habitat is reduced increasingly
certainly could talk about many things, cite many examples of successful initiatives in conservation and how are you able to improve the quality of life communities that implement them, could you talk about the pudu and reduced ecosystem, the michay red species is endangered, the huemul it seems that the only place you see in the future will be the national emblem
Perhaps in part it is the responsibility of those who firmly believe in this task and take on the challenge, we are also responsible for perhaps not doing enough, however, do not pretend to blame, if not contribute to solutions where all participate
Solutions and each of us, understanding that "citizen participation is the key to success, the community should be the main part of the solution, not the problem is necessary, get them involved from the outset in all aspects of a project from planning, training and activities as well as monitoring and evaluation, and that a motivated person to easily develop their own knowledge and capacity. It is necessary to assist local people to understand why environmental problems and how they can improve. Once motivated, you have to put in the hands the same people the right skills and not just a group of extension "
However, in the part of the motivation, is where we are faltering, something is happening or rather anything we're doing, do not mean to criticize anyone, as I am aware that each person is immersed in individual reality and this tends to not leave much room for participation, but may contribute from our personal space with simple actions, but effective, and who may have a small fraction of time to develop joint initiatives, we can do, participation is much more than say "I support the cause," we must be able to change our behavior and see in the woods much, much more than just wood
Perhaps for some they do not stop being passionate comments, no solid arguments, however, like it or not a reality, the reduction of native forest is something tangible, a thing of looking at our Nahuelbuta and we realize that what once was described by historians as an impenetrable forest that housed large numbers of species of flora and fauna today is only a "Green Desert" of introduced species that more is not intended to be forest, the plantations are not forests, and that not me but the Botanical Society of Chile
Maybe I could show as what we value today certainly not a very profitable business in this respect will retake something noted in a previous article:
"Quelón (chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz), which produces these berries in great abundance and estimated quality. Coquimbo south grows fruit and black (or white for exception) is the delight of children and pigeons.
plant is sacred to the Mapuche, unless the cinnamon and bay leaf as a symbol of benevolent and peaceful intent, and in this regard led to all social gatherings, plus religious symbol binding motif, the rehue. His
is multiple use. The bark, taken in strips or flight, is used for ropes, the fruits are eaten fresh at the time and dry in winter, also converted into special chicha, called TECU, the juice is used to color more red wine and that under this name is sold, the infusion of the leaves is considered a good remedy against fevers in the affections of the throat and the healing of the wounds, its astringent action is recognized by medical science. "Extract of Indian Botany, the missionary Wilhelm Mosbach 1955, printed in 1992
No doubt the biodiversity of our country is immense, is that sense we are privileged, but each day we realize our lack of vision about what we have, the slogan seems to be "the outside is better", as we marvel at the species brought from other places and their virtues, and ours, we consider them almost as "weeds" I
also include dissemination of the text of a product that is currently in North American and European markets which reads:
The most potent antioxidant botanical world
The machinery is a dark purple berry is also the most potent antioxidant botanical world, making it a strong antioxidant acai, mangosteen, goji, noni, and even chocolate. According to a series of studies, the machinery also has important anti-inflammatory and thermogenic properties, which contributes to the alleviation of pain caused by inflammation and loss of weight.
addition, the machinery has a higher absorption capacity of oxygen free radicals (ORAC) than any other berry or fruit known to man. This is particularly important in combating aging and related disorders with advancing age. AVIA
uses the health-promoting properties of the berry of machinery and mixed with a unique combination of nutrients and minerals that have proven effective to help prevent or reduce inflammation and oxidation, which makes AVIA in his own personal fountain of youth.
"Since time immemorial, the Mapuche Indians of South America have been celebrating the healing powers of machinery."
For some, probably the properties of the machinery are nothing new, as research conducted and published in Spain some time talking about the tremendous properties of machinery, however since the discovery of the properties of the machinery, work began marketing the product, initially for the natural dye industry and today as we see as an excellent antioxidant, unfortunately once again, our country is falling as a mere exporter of raw materials, despite the tremendous variety of uses and applications of products derived from native species of Chile, other countries, perhaps this is our reward for the low value we assign to our species and hopefully we can learn something, and we had a bad experience with mutilla, where despite being aware of their importance, he was not given the required value, and suddenly an Australian saying that this species was of country, these are not the only cases of native species used abroad and in Chile are poorly considered, biopiracy goes back to the arrival of the English in our country only at that time no one saw it as a problem in the case of medicinal plants are now producing cycles cycles which marketed abroad without any involvement of our country, therefore no benefit
As the Convention s Biodiversity BOUT Rio de Janeiro in 1992 recognized the right of the people on the management of genetic resources and to receive adequate compensation when used with economic benefit to other countries, the commercial potential of products such as murtilla, machinery and many others would Chile invaluable for considering the many and varied uses, we have many species tremendous potential, but usually late when we realize in some other corner of the world is valued, there are just begin to value, is certainly important to develop products based on what we have, but for us with methodologies and aspiring to real local development, with the participation of communities because it is useless a producer if its people not involved in this production and the benefits it generates
Finally note that according to a study, weed, herb wild spring that flows and is used by Mapuche and Huilliches for the preparation of fried tortillas and stews, it is even richer in protein concentrates the spinach. Nutritional intake is important because it contains 74.1% more protein than spinach and 89.3% more fiber. It also contains 104 milligrams of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), compared to 4.4 milligrams provided by the spinach. have a similar nutritional value. However, the latter has four times less fat and delivers 399 calories, compared to 425 that has the bread
only hope we start to realize what we have and the importance that this implies, and the need to protect, conserve and use it properly, to recognize the importance of traditional empirical knowledge which is a legacy rich in knowledge and wisdom
plant is sacred to the Mapuche, unless the cinnamon and bay leaf as a symbol of benevolent and peaceful intent, and in this regard led to all social gatherings, plus religious symbol binding motif, the rehue. His
is multiple use. The bark, taken in strips or flight, is used for ropes, the fruits are eaten fresh at the time and dry in winter, also converted into special chicha, called TECU, the juice is used to color more red wine and that under this name is sold, the infusion of the leaves is considered a good remedy against fevers in the affections of the throat and the healing of the wounds, its astringent action is recognized by medical science. "Extract of Indian Botany, the missionary Wilhelm Mosbach 1955, printed in 1992
No doubt the biodiversity of our country is immense, is that sense we are privileged, but each day we realize our lack of vision about what we have, the slogan seems to be "the outside is better", as we marvel at the species brought from other places and their virtues, and ours, we consider them almost as "weeds" I
also include dissemination of the text of a product that is currently in North American and European markets which reads:
The most potent antioxidant botanical world
The machinery is a dark purple berry is also the most potent antioxidant botanical world, making it a strong antioxidant acai, mangosteen, goji, noni, and even chocolate. According to a series of studies, the machinery also has important anti-inflammatory and thermogenic properties, which contributes to the alleviation of pain caused by inflammation and loss of weight.
addition, the machinery has a higher absorption capacity of oxygen free radicals (ORAC) than any other berry or fruit known to man. This is particularly important in combating aging and related disorders with advancing age. AVIA
uses the health-promoting properties of the berry of machinery and mixed with a unique combination of nutrients and minerals that have proven effective to help prevent or reduce inflammation and oxidation, which makes AVIA in his own personal fountain of youth.
"Since time immemorial, the Mapuche Indians of South America have been celebrating the healing powers of machinery."
For some, probably the properties of the machinery are nothing new, as research conducted and published in Spain some time talking about the tremendous properties of machinery, however since the discovery of the properties of the machinery, work began marketing the product, initially for the natural dye industry and today as we see as an excellent antioxidant, unfortunately once again, our country is falling as a mere exporter of raw materials, despite the tremendous variety of uses and applications of products derived from native species of Chile, other countries, perhaps this is our reward for the low value we assign to our species and hopefully we can learn something, and we had a bad experience with mutilla, where despite being aware of their importance, he was not given the required value, and suddenly an Australian saying that this species was of country, these are not the only cases of native species used abroad and in Chile are poorly considered, biopiracy goes back to the arrival of the English in our country only at that time no one saw it as a problem in the case of medicinal plants are now producing cycles cycles which marketed abroad without any involvement of our country, therefore no benefit
As the Convention s Biodiversity BOUT Rio de Janeiro in 1992 recognized the right of the people on the management of genetic resources and to receive adequate compensation when used with economic benefit to other countries, the commercial potential of products such as murtilla, machinery and many others would Chile invaluable for considering the many and varied uses, we have many species tremendous potential, but usually late when we realize in some other corner of the world is valued, there are just begin to value, is certainly important to develop products based on what we have, but for us with methodologies and aspiring to real local development, with the participation of communities because it is useless a producer if its people not involved in this production and the benefits it generates
Finally note that according to a study, weed, herb wild spring that flows and is used by Mapuche and Huilliches for the preparation of fried tortillas and stews, it is even richer in protein concentrates the spinach. Nutritional intake is important because it contains 74.1% more protein than spinach and 89.3% more fiber. It also contains 104 milligrams of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), compared to 4.4 milligrams provided by the spinach. have a similar nutritional value. However, the latter has four times less fat and delivers 399 calories, compared to 425 that has the bread
only hope we start to realize what we have and the importance that this implies, and the need to protect, conserve and use it properly, to recognize the importance of traditional empirical knowledge which is a legacy rich in knowledge and wisdom