Ladies Association of DIRTEPOL XV, led by Marina Guzman of Matthew and the Division of Tourism and Environmental Protection, corporately with the School of Public Artistic Training Sérvulo Gutiérrez I developed the Ica Regional Competition huarango ink drawing
The purpose of this competition, said Marina Guzman,
The purpose of this competition, said Marina Guzman,
is carrying a message through artistic expression, the noble huarango is present in Ica since ancient times and the Nasca Paracas, is undoubtedly the tree in the history of Ica. Sticking up for the noble huarango, awareness, awareness and commitment to care to prevent their extinction. Noble
Category A. Secondary Four and Five Prime puesto.Miguel
Gonzáles Velarde (Ica) Second Place Garayar Jury
Berenice (Ica)
puesto.Choque Third Jesus Garibay (Ica).
Category B. Colleges. First puesto.López
Aroni Cristian (Ayacucho)
Second place. Castillo Huamantingo Yenny (Ayacucho)
Third puesto.Revilla Quispe (Ica).
Category C. professional artists
First puesto.Huamán Andía Luís (Ica)
Second place. Huang Yanarico Emilio (Lima)
Third puesto.Anchahua Huamaní Moses (Ayacucho).
Gonzáles Velarde (Ica) Second Place Garayar Jury
Berenice (Ica)
puesto.Choque Third Jesus Garibay (Ica).
Category B. Colleges. First puesto.López
Aroni Cristian (Ayacucho)
Second place. Castillo Huamantingo Yenny (Ayacucho)
Third puesto.Revilla Quispe (Ica).
Category C. professional artists
First puesto.Huamán Andía Luís (Ica)
Second place. Huang Yanarico Emilio (Lima)
Third puesto.Anchahua Huamaní Moses (Ayacucho).
With the participation of over 120 artists, including a Japanese artist, developed this unique contest huarango ink drawing, many of the contestants demonstrating for the first time used the resin of this tree to draw.
appraisals of the contestants
appraisals of the contestants
Carlos Manuel Jimenez Quispe (Ayacucho) Interesting
see how the artists in all corners of our country, are concerned about the conservation of nature are creating new ways to raise awareness and Regional Competition huarango ink is a give us a message via preservation of Ica desert tree.
JesúsPonce Manuel Chavez (Lima).
Very interesting contest with Huarango ink, to repeat the call for more artists to participate nationwide.
Cesar Aponte Vargas (Ica)
regional This call is an initiative very successful because it promotes artistic activity in a region heir to a commendable ancestral background, but at the present time kept some lethargy in the cultural events. Hopefully, this contest is the beginning of the opening of artistic activity and sustainability in our region .
Shigeru Yamamoto (Japan)
is my first encounter with huarango ink, China ink I used to cane my participation in this competition is to learn this material (huarango ink) than when it uses too much water leaves the stand, for it will seek other natural elements that allow me to work to find this ink shades dark, I'll keep investigating. Zeno
Gallegoa (Nasca) circumstantially
When I first saw the fascinating works of the Nasca painted with blood Waranq'u, I understood the genius and greatness of those artists certainly ancestrales.El event opens ability to promote young artists. With regard to the work that made this experience Contest huarango ink drawing is rich from the collection and execution of the work gives me a vision for further research into the use of natural materials our region.
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