Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Juno Bleeker Track Shorts

Honesty is
the best policy, the adage Anglo. Honesty in our country would barter for a lie or similar. In our country, and anyone in the Soviet allele is clearly marked as dominant. And it is that comes to the greyhound breed. It was precisely Lenin who oozes the usefulness of lies as a revolutionary weapon. Hence, one emanating from the revolutionary terror of the French Revolution, bloody and raw as a slaughter of pigs, and the other arising as a dry shell of the glorious 1688, whose dominant note in the Land of the Revolution was the personal freedom under the umbrella of the law. Thus, while the one passed by the scaffold to Tyrian and Trojan, Capulets and Montagues, the other is timbering Tolerance laws, sedition, abolition of censorship, etc., allowing them to live at peace with themselves today. All this leaving more than evidence that the agreement, freedom and respect for the law give more guarantees of survival than the imposition of a half on the other. Pure mathematics.

However, the legacy of terror lasted until today. Twenty artists, or undersigned, and twenty families of victims read the last Sunday in the Almudena cemetery names shot in 1500 during the Franco regime. Pilar Bardem, Miguel Rios, Alvaro de Luna and Mark ANA others ran that kind of Lynx of the Republic, as it was known to the assault force ana. Marcos Ana, who was criticized, speedily and without it falling rings that no member of the Executive were present at the event, because "if it had fulfilled its duty to the historical memory, not continue enduring memory of the victors." That hurts. The memory of the victors, says the artist. That is, the memory of Franco and, by extension, the memory of a democracy back. A democracy that always fled socialists of all stripes. Do not spit the same shit about democracy Largo Caballero and Prieto while falling on his knees before a possible plan Kerensky the English with which to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat? Dictatorship, yes. A dictatorship with all the twigs to be more bloody than the Franco regime, as we hinted in the Republic. And is that only the Czech seraphic Madrid finished with twelve thousand souls. As heavenly as those who attacked the five thousand Paracuellos shootings. Did they perhaps more legal guarantees that these others were shot by national artists who weep now in the video for Azucena Rodriguez and Almudena cemetery? Are the tours conducted by the militants of the Popular Front-style Chicago gangsters in Prohibition fully enjoyed greater legal framework? Obviously, no. However, there still cling-on like a leech clings to the skin, the infected idea that dictatorships are good and bad dictators, as telltale signs. Nothing takes into account the progressive wasp jabardillo class hatred for the Republic established by the Popular Front and religious persecution carried out and which is closest precedent in the persecution of Christians carried out by Diocletian. All very legitimate and democratic. Very Soviet.

Thus, like the fish is kept afloat by the swim bladder, for these artists that cut no ice in the Republic-nor much less during the Franco-there is a lot of gall making them hidden to shore up their private desires and inventions to create a new history of Spain that fit your personal chimeras manual. A chichinabo antifranquismo of representing better than anyone Pedro Almodóvar. How to write a brilliant article in LD José García Domínguez entitled "Yo, Pedro Almodóvar" when Franco died already had twenty-six, she had plenty, and while many of those fascists and reactionary by José García, Jiménez Losantos, Sanchez Drago, Díaz Herrera, Escohotado and some others are playing their own freedom fighting in the PCE-PSUC, PSP, CNT and other dishes Marxists, Almodóvar "heroic enlisted in the militia of the J & B night." All a fighter. And also undertaken. A further finding symmetries Franco to Zapatero's government that the troglodytes of the PP, which would Cucumber. Symmetries between the Plan Badajoz and sustainability plans and other raffles Zapatero, symmetries between the National Housing Institute of Franco and the current Ministry of Housing, symmetries between the wages paid in June or July 16, previously called the Franco celebrated National Uprising Day, Franco heritage that no defender of Historical Memory dare to touch-and four euros for Zapatero, symmetries between admiration shared by Fidel Castro, to the point that Fidel declared three days of official mourning on the death of General Franco, given the protection it gave to Cuba during the embargo U.S.; symmetries between the desire personalist Franco championed throughout his term just as Zapatero govern itself according to the voice of conscience; symmetries between the taste for social protection of Franco, who created Social Security, and Zapatero expert to cover everything as lacquer touch with the social, and symmetries, above all, between the two leaders' authoritarianism, since it is not forget that Franco was authoritarian, not totalitarian. So much so that, as Solzhenitsyn denounced as it passes through Spain, did not fit into his conception of totalitarian dictatorship in the press kiosks are found throughout the world, as that could make photocopies in printing. Trifles unthinkable in Soviet Union. Some symmetries, in short, do nothing but to agree with Esperanza Aguirre when recited in the program 59 seconds that Franco was quite socialist.

But the liberal claque, more imbued with their personal desires for the sole objective, devotes its litanies of an alleged genocide topping procapitalist as Franco while embracing a Republic that in his version, brought us democracy today on rising pillars of freedom and the law as radial axis of society. Ignore the attempted coup d'etat carried out by Popular Front in October 1934 under cover of the Soviet Union, always aware of what happened in Spain, so much so that the subsequent bombing of Tablada airfield was conducted by a squad Katiuskas aircraft commanded directly by the Soviets, not to mention the dozen Soviet vessels that nourished fuel and weaponry to the Popular Front started the war, or the murder of Calvo Sotelo at the hands of Prieto's personal guard and as he unleashed the War same communicate to the Minister of the Interior, or the bravado of the socialist Gonzalez Pena, who declamaría Asturias the Revolution would have failed by a supposed "legal" the pie and thus required for the next Revolution a group responsible for previous issues clean up public buildings to remove the weeds, or the words of Enrique Castro Delgado, who won the formula of "kill, kill and kill, and then build socialism," or such other Andreu Nin arguing that the working class had no weapons on hand to defend a democratic republic, suggesting his passion for Dictatorship the Proletariat. And so a whole string of endless mischief.

happens, however, that when you disturb the peace of the dead of one of the sides involved in a civil war, the other kicking, you stir in the ground and claim their place in history. So, the obvious line that both sides committed atrocities. Some atrocities that artists seem to ignore or hide eyebrow knowingly, and Jose Maria Zabala devotes four pages in his book entitled The horrors of the Civil War, which will include testimonies from the sadism with which some Religious dismembered corpses were thrown as food to a herd of fifty pigs, this one in which a jailer, after offering a feast of meat to a prisoner, he snapped at the end of the lunch that he had eaten his own son. Testimonials well fit in one of those videos so dear to the artists. However, when the story is based more on personal desires in fact, happen to lie awake is unmasked and the truth, looking for ways to escape it as water seeks the River. It happens also that while some they are drawn more Cain hatred, forgive others, as is the case of Alfonso Ussía and the many relatives who were to be seen in La Razón.

In this point we are trying to lead us back through the revisionists a lane way, we should remember the words of Ortega y Gasset-Republican disgusted with the same sectarianism that now flying the artists and for leaving the Republican cause with Marañón and Perez de Ayala, with whom settled a debate about which the two sides had been more bloody, "Look, when it comes to the metric, bad business," he replied.


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