Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pasta Express Machine



On Monday May 9, 1994, a day after Communion his son, the then number two of the Interior, Baltasar Garzon, announced his resignation as Secretary of State of the National Plan on Drugs in the face of him who would steal the jewels in front of their eyes to be thrown into a herd of pigs, "Felipe González deceived me and was used as an electoral ploy on 6 June. The promises I made to fight corruption and in favor of democratic regeneration have not been met by the passive attitude of the president. Who predicted that I was using to convey an image of corruption and predicted this outcome in my political career have been largely successful, "said a trembling voice. And ended the honeymoon of what, by any reckoning, originally appeared as a marriage of convenience. There were many who breathed a sigh of relief and loosen the knot in their ties following the resignation of superjuez de Torres. The black cloud vanished.

Just a year earlier, on June 4, 1993, Garzón showed in the closing campaign rally in the House was not alone. At least the outside world. And, one that would shelve the GAL a month before making the leap into politics, was in the CIS surveys ahead of Felipe González Aznar and even in popularity, as he warned his political mentor and guide Jose Bono. A survey would never see the light of the front pages of newspapers Through the virtues thaumaturgic Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba. But Garzón always knew that he had not left the High Court to become the opener of Gonzalez. It was not enough to be an Apostle, came as the Messiah. So much so, that according to Juan Carlos Ibarra told the trial for the kidnapping of Segundo Marey, Baltasar Garzon had not hung a parachute to jump to the field of politics as a satin-like deputy regional president warned would happen, but that the judge was convinced that would be Minister of the Government. "I know I'm a minister. If Philip does not make me Minister will remember all life. " By then, Garzón had pasted the Moncloa as calm salvo in the neighborhood to give the medical report of the GAL to the President. Belongings and left the National Court and went to the music elsewhere. As the mouse's tale, Gonzalez promised to spend the night sleeping and silent, leaving all but tied and bound in the drawers of the hearing so that he could not reopen the GAL case.

"This is a matter of guts. Here you can not throw anyone doing any cleaning, because everyone has caught everyone by the balls, "he snapped from Ferraz Garzon. And is that the judge years ago be responsible for putting behind bars to Amedo and Dominguez, was now presented as the champion of corruption. As the PSOE's house and a strainer Roque Tócame sewer rats did not hesitate to take up arms against Garzón political aggrandizement. The Hussars of Death guerrismo winter left the camp after the sterile confrontation between the two brigadier Seville at the rate of the scandals of the vice president and his brother. Jose Barrionuevo, for its part, was willing to share laurels to those who imprison their sappers during the dirty war, threatening to resign against Gonzalez. He was not alone. As African ants in a row, is added José Luis Corcuera, Rafael Vera and Eligio Hernández. And that is feared more than Garzón yellow fever. No reasons were missing. Both Gonzalez and

Garzón had this arrogance about the mediocre military is aupado to the top no more virtue than charisma. Vanity of vanities, but because the character is destiny, both drew their swords would sooner than later. The days passed and the President's promises did not materialize. On the contrary, was no more than jienense closed and a sort of code of silence around them. Weasel his nose told him something dirty in the dark was cooking stoves Ferraz. Who saw themselves same as the cover of the game it was still a mere caricature on the inside pages. The first thing they did was put as a delegate of the National Plan on Drugs, under the Ministry of Health. "I did not come here to dispense methadone and syringes," he asked the Deputy Prime Minister at the time, Narcis Serra. A few weeks later, the National Drug Plan passed by the Ministry of Social Affairs, made deeply disturbing that followed. Unwittingly, he had become a simple alfiz on the executive board. Therefore, Felipe Gonzalez protested to seeing how he was being none for the party. Legs had not gone out National Court to become a Golem of clay to serve the President. Finally, we ended up passing the Plan to the Ministry of Interior, where the sharp daggers start to touch leather.

José Luis Corcuera, Minister of Interior in sour grapes, knew Garzon interest topping the Socialist Party as announced during the election campaign. He also knew that Gonzalez had asked his own head and the Solchaga by funding scandals and the case Ibercorp reserved. However, Interior ordered him to lead the fight against drugs and organized crime. Garzón's plans were submitted to Corcuera, plain and simple, creating a Praetorian Guard Interior independent-style KGB or Gestapo, in which he was ultimately responsible. This body should work with a single command, an unlimited budget and a single confessor: Felipe González. The Litres-Corcuera and knew the intimacy of his past as an electrician, did not need to consult your horoscope to find the chart that was deployed Baltasar Garzon. I knew him leeway for the Messiah would be like giving a TBM in the middle of a forest full of thistles, which is what ultimately was the Socialist Party. "I give you money from traffic tickets and you manage it as you can" was the most you got from the head of the ministry of Interior. Hot air. But the wind changed direction to Corcoran's resignation in late 1993. Antoni Asuncion, his replacement in office, was welcomed Garzón program, but the judge lasted barely a whisper the spell. The escape of Roland in April 1994 forced the resignation of his patron, Asunción. Earlier, however, as a prophylactic measure signed the decree which made Garzon Secretary of the Interior to control in place to coordinate the whole repressive apparatus. Felipe González, seeing the wolf ears, took a turn at the helm merging the portfolios of Justice and Interior, putting forward of such aircraft to groom Juan Alberto Belloch. And that, as expected, quickly throw the derrocadero Garzón. "I said Belloch you want your resignation. Want it now, "he explained laconically Margarita Robles. Checkmate.

During the debate on the State of the Nation or even welcomed the intervention of Felipe González. His disgrace was a declaration of intent. Just two weeks after throwing in the towel. His mind was already back in the drawers of the Court of Investigation No. 5 of the Audiencia Nacional. And two specific names appeared as gross ectoplasms: Jose Amedo Fouce and Michel Dominguez Martinez.


A covered bells, when the sun is beginning to fall and the corridors of the National Court are empty, a car entered the National Police in the garage of the courthouse without even identifying its occupants. Neither the information service of the National Court or the Court Ocaña prison supervision release from prison were aware of lightning. Michel Dominguez arrived in war. Both he and the former Information Commissioner of Bilbao, Jose Amedo, took five years rotting in prison hundred and eight who had been convicted. Came prepared to give an ultimatum the judge that in a few days leave the courts to take the plunge into politics by the hand of Gonzalez. The meeting seemed more a gathering of drunkard leaning on a bar at the end of the night a statement. Or secretary, or specific allegations, nor his lawyer Manrique, or tax. Alone in the calm of the evening. Dominguez finally decided to tune the strings of his lyre and sang: "If the matter does not take this week to the Council of Ministers, there will be surprises." He also suggested that he and Amedo had evidence implicating senior officials of the Ministry of Interior, including Jose Luis Corcuera. He also recalled how they were cheated when his former lawyer, Gonzalo Casado, Felipe Gonzalez said they would be prepared to pardon them for 1993. Indoor knew that Amedo and Dominguez were like a handful of mines buried in the ground. At any moment could explode arming of San Quentin. Hence, fearing to betray, even to plan that sort of circus leak which we were growing a beard, working out daily in the courtyard and a van to take them to Portugal to launch then to Costa Rica.

So, between his fists on the table, threats, and the gray shadow of a family made Cisco, with his wife recently operated cancer and some children come to question a good day if his father was a murderer, put one by one all the cards on the table to Judge Garzon. This, with the blood running through his veins to both the pace of revelations Domínguez, assured him that the elections would be presented as number two of the PSOE in Madrid and would be appointed minister, as suggested in the calm of a snake charmer to be quiet for one more season. He came to promise in that language ineffable glances and gestures that his silence was worth a pardon if they continued without compromising the Executive. Garzón thus entered politics with a golden bullet in the barrel of his gun that could Felipe shoot if he dared to use it. And it was.

In May 1994, hung up his boots, still shiny and bright after his few minutes of play in the field of politics, and in July opened the ban on fox hunting. Flew through his mind only the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge. And almudes. One fateful afternoon of July, Michel Dominguez made good in a restaurant catering to the return of the Holy Burial of his father and for which he received a prison leave. Upon leaving, he found the lock on his car forced a clean. Inside, everything was in order. Had only gone a small notebook to record information about the GAL staff and notes their current accounts. A few days later, appeared in the drafting of World seraphic soul which, incidentally, found the book on a park bench. The recipient was Melchor Miralles, that he found the second stash of GAL in Col de Corlecou almost ten years ago. On 25 October, these hazards of life, the stars aligned so that Garzón Pedro Jota addressed in an order: "requires Mr. Director of the newspaper El Mundo to provide to this Court any information held by its power published or unpublished, provided that professional secrecy is breached in relation to Joseph Amedo and Michel Dominguez and his relationship with his alleged GAL involvement in the kidnapping of Segundo Marey "

At the time, the holder of the Magistrate's Court No. 5 of the Audiencia Nacional has traveled to Geneva for his revolver with his European colleagues the opportunity to really nail it and investigate Funds Ministry of Interior in Switzerland in order to catch red-handed at Corcoran or Barrionuevo. He managed to find that women Amedo and Dominguez had opened accounts in Switzerland to millions quantities coming from the funds reserved by the Ministry of Interior at the hands of the secretary of Rafael Vera and Civil Guard Felix Hernandez-who would be promoted over the years General UCO's Brigade after its sponsorship with the confidant Zouhier before the attack of 11-M -. Addition, approximately five hundred million pesetas, had not been touched yet. The judge proposed to Amedo to take out money so that only implicate the Interior, but both former deputy and Domínguez chose not to touch a single penny of his time and silence. Upon his return, Baltasar Garzon reopened the proceedings concerning the kidnapping of Segundo Marey and four murders in the restaurant Mon Bar in Bayonne. As spinners, was slowly twisting the fibers that are most suited him tied to make it his personal crusade. Not only was clear that the money was used funds earmarked to finance the dirty war of the GAL, but, as was shining were many who saw in it a gold mine or those of Peru. For this reason, I knew that placing him in the neck horcate Amedo could pull the cart of Interior giving the stick and carrot.


Jose Amedo Fouce, assistant commissioner of Information Brigadier-General of Police Corps of Bilbao during the years of GAL, was the archetypal figure, mold clay cocky and arrogant police for which always ends justify the means. Penetrating gaze, dark features and hieratic pose, could pass for a Romanesque sculpture carved in marble Rosetta if not for his skillful movements at night. Amateur brothels and casinos, came to spend up to nine million pesetas in one year to bet on blackjack at the Hotel Londres in San Sebastian. A big money he had a simple police official. And money that was staying at the Hotel Ritz Lisbon, where he personally hired the services of mercenaries second wanted to charge more than target. By sheer bad taste or provocation macabre in his fake ID was not included writing his real name, but to Genaro Galindo Gallego.

Amedo encountered with research through the discovery of the second hideout in Col of Corlecou, \u200b\u200bwhere they found wigs, weapons of an amount exclusive of the Police and documents linked to mercenaries operating with the second level of the GAL. And so, in December 1987, the National Court cited to state for the first time Jose Amedo for his role in the creation of the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups. Months later, he and Michel Dominguez, a police inspector poor son of Swiss immigrants who would be in the middle of Daedalus to speak only French, set foot for the first time in the Provincial Prison of Logroño. The nervousness took possession of the dome of the Ministry of Interior. Fearing to betray their superiors in the organization of GAL, launched the famous plan of Portuguese letters. With him, it was to buy the correction of the mercenaries imprisoned in Portugal. To this must declare in writing that charged under pressures Amedo and Dominguez. Soon it would show that it was just a montage of film B more appropriate than the enormous apparatus responsible for controlling the bodies of state repression.

The years passed and the two officers were fulfilling their role as heads of Turkish. Seeing that none of the promised pardons, neither Gonzalez nor the Political Garzon, arrived, they decided to inflate the chest and puncturing the bone value of Interior. In February 1994, Amedo sent him a letter of five pages to Juan Alberto Belloch that concluded: "I know that having no immediate response the next day, she [his spouse] together with the wife of Mr. Dominguez, shall inform of His Majesty the King's situation in this letter I express to you, extending circumstances that undoubtedly will prove unpalatable to the Head of State. "

Subsequently, both managed and Domínguez Amedo Garzón testify as witnesses protected, so they opted to loosen the belt and tell everything they knew of the twenty-seven murders of the GAL and winding through the sewers of the State. Even took care to keep people informed and José María Aznar Pedro Jota Ramirez. Everything was worth it as long as the back cover. Meanwhile, the CESID sniffing the air like a bloodhound to find any trace of Amedo. Manglano cubs tried to record the interview which took place at the headquarters of the World between the attorney Amedo and Dominguez, Jorge Manrique, and he was Secretary General of the PP, Francisco Alvarez Cascos. They even watch Manrique from the floor beside him.

While on the eve of Christmas 1994, an earthquake shake the vaults of the Interior. Judge Garzon took from the den to a bunch of foxes to put the same night in jail as a warning to mariners. The Police Commissioner of Bilbao, Miguel Planchuelo, former Head of Counter-Terrorism Command, Francisco Alvarez, the officers from the Information of Bilbao, Julio and Francisco Sainz Oceja iron, and his first major trophy hunting: Julian Sancristóbal, Civil Governor of Vizcaya. Using Amedo and Dominguez as belts, had succeeded in putting in motion all the centrifugal forces that approach the pinnacle of the Ministry of Interior, and thus, step by step, to even hunt with their bare hands to his arch particular: the Lord Mr. X.


As if it were a girl Almodóvar, Judge Garzón happened in his office Amedo the script that it would behoove interpret minutes after the Attorney General of the National Court this February 16, 1995. "Lord Ahmed, who gave Julian Sancristóbal the million French francs to fund the kidnapping of Segundo Marey?" Questioned the prosecutor. To which the former deputy responded with sullen gesture and dry: "Rafael Vera, Secretary of the Interior." It did not take more. Stale mate. Rafael Vera biting the dust and spent that night barking at the moon in the Alcalá Meco prison.

While both Sancristóbal Planchuelo and spent the night dozing in jail with a hunch that reached to the bone marrow of the soul. Garzón was willing to do anything to go up stairs to get to Felipe González. Therefore, know the way they are being spent with the organization as Amedo fry to release the final arponazo bring him to Corcuera, Barrionuevo and Belloch. Needed evidence and not circumstantial evidence. Graduated by the condition of them all, Garzon should leave everything perfectly tied when inhibited and move the case into the hands of the Supreme Court that would prosecute those who would fall in that case. Thus, whichever number two of Felipe in Madrid, playing to run a sort of Court of the Troubles and company Sancristóbal condemning most of the crucifixion of remorse of conscience and the burden that the penalty of the bars. I knew well, sooner or later betray their superiors to see how they got out of naja.

A blood Planchuelo pure lava was again upon learning that the PSOE had paid the two hundred million pesetas bail for Rafael Vera. It was clear that the Government had opened a firewall González separating his own from the police. A one will save your ass at any cost while the others would wither like a dead leaf. So, charge your batteries of cannons and decided to testify again telling everything they knew from their superiors. Again, Garzon not failed his abacus calculations. Again, his drawers became Pandora's Box open one day.

Planchuelo as Sancristóbal Both sang with the soul in all that knew her lips, as it did Amedo and Dominguez, raising their charges to the top floor of Interior. Even make the former Secretary General of the Socialist Party of Euskadi, Ricardo Garcia Damborenea, who told the judge that pointedly as his: "The decision of an active response against ETA personally took the Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez in the spring of 1983 [...] This is plain and admits no qualification. I would not have given political encouragement to the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups had it not been clear, without the slightest doubt that Gonzalez wanted. " To Garzón, such statements were like icing on the cake. And got the pass that would allow him to cross the border to the High Court.

In late July 1995, Garzón referred to the Supreme Court a statement implicating Jose Barrionuevo, Txiki Benegas, Narcis Serra and Felipe González Márquez. With that complacency mantis resentful of getting your spouse put away a bit, had the charge of belonging to an armed group founder degree that corresponded to Felipe González. It was time to get on the back of his Rocinante to attend the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court and pass the baton to the President, Fernando de Cotta and Marquez de Prado.

Of all the possible beginnings, his was the worst. His predictions of old Sybil collided with the pier of the prosecutors. Both the Attorney General objected to the handling of the summary of the GAL because, according to his interpretation, "not the conditions for the decision to request the request and question him as a defendant [Gonzalez]. " Yes they desired instead advised the request to Congress to question Barrionuevo. But the rocks are happening in the road. The irregularities were the summary of what Garzón thorns of the roses. Packed unsigned statements, unnumbered volumes, dubious evidence and many other irregularities, the record was more like an art work of a nursery school. Uncorked completely finished choosing to start from scratch and call to report back to the herd of scapegoats. All ternes remained in their positions. The string of witnesses added to the list was added by Eduardo Luengo Garallo, who was head of security at La Moncloa. According to his remarks, the chief bodyguard of President gave him a good day: "It will create an illegal structure in the English Basque country and in the south of France. Felipe Gonzalez is ready to go for. "

Thus, in early 1996, the Supreme Court issued an order against Jose Barrionuevo, a former interior minister, accused of a crime of false imprisonment in the case Segundo Marey. Garzón, like mad dog, kicked under the canopy to learn of the resolution. And is that Jose Barrionuevo had no more than checkout and pay the bond to continue to enjoy freedom. Days later, after meeting with the instructor's house President of the High Court, Fernando de Cotta and Marquez de Prado, Judge Eduardo Moner decided to expand the offenses Barrionuevo and charge in addition to Felipe González. They attributed the crimes of integration degree armed gang leaders, illegal detention and misappropriation of public funds.

"Indications and evidence to incriminate Gonzalez exist until the nausea. Improbable, pilgrim and confabulatory for a court is to believe that Jose Barrionuevo, Rafael Vera, Julián Sancristóbal, Francisco Alvarez and Miguel Planchuelo creasen, organizers, financiers and coordinate a terrorist group without the knowledge and consent of Felipe González " Joaquín Navarro wrote Judge Stephen, who was once a member of the Popular Socialist Party. However, the winds would blow in the opposite direction with the victory of the Popular Party in March 1996. The instructor then took out his first aid kit, slipped on latex gloves and sterilized, needle in hand, ready to sew wounds clumsily. In a new car, he was endorsing the National Court owls 'nests' creation, organization and financing of GAL, referred the case of the reserved funds to the ordinary courts and will put the monkey work for Garzon to continue directing the killings of ETA leaders in France.

Individual allegations, without leaving their astonishment, in a desperate attempt to cross the river by feeling the stones yet, asked a series of confrontations with Jose Barrionuevo in order to make himself be pinched fingers and commit to Gonzalez.

With all this, the judge lifted the carpet Moner light leaving everything she was hiding under, but not the Interior Ministry, but the Court of Instruction No. 5 of the Audiencia Nacional. "He held the record seven months on the kidnapping of Segundo Marey to prevent the immediate cause was the Supreme. [...] There were no statements as here. In the High Court before we met pactábamos the judge and what we say and what not. [...] In my first conversation with him, I said it would not compromise any police in my range. Waiter shrugged and said: It does not matter to me, what I want is to throw up. [...] Yes, I also threatened me and my wife [if not stated at all times what he wanted] ", were some of the words of Michel Dominguez Eduardo Moner. Judge Garzon was thus laid bare and endangering the procedure itself. Thus, finally closed the record passing the buck to the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court for trial. More than one accused would spend the evening rubbing his lamp oil passion waiting to be Wonderful Genie appeared. What I do not know is that sometimes, miracles happen.


The January 22, 1995, Rafael Vera held a conversation with a judge of the Constitutional Court in which he confessed, blushing like a love child, who wanted a meeting with Joseph in his bedroom Augusto de Vega to take charge of your case. Overwhelmed by passion, into the arms of the fever that gave him this Draft man who was a member of CGPJ thanks to the votes and Socialist candidate of the Socialist Party to preside over the Court. The fist and rose as the power united joined Antony and Cleopatra. But it was not the only secret admirer. It was not so casual that the party top brass that uncork their bottles in November 1996 when José Augusto de Vega was appointed President of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, on the throne of Fernando de Cotta and Marquez de Prado, retired. The ménage à trois was in its early stages.

"After a discussion very legal, very detailed and very complete, the Board has decided by a majority of six votes to four that graduated are not called to testify," declared de Vega to the media on the morning of 6 November 1996 that gathered to determine whether Felipe Gonzalez should appear as a defendant.
The resolution gave wings to the raptors of the Interior. According to it, Sancristóbal statements were "mere assumption" and those with statements Damborenea "corrobación lacking objective." In addition, the dirty war of tit for tat was for the Supreme 'a breach of social order "that should be resolved in Congress. Also argued for the existence of an armed group required a structure and a number of members Amedo and Dominguez did not. The resolution, put forward by Candido Conde Pumpido, put tend to the Sun's famous and ridiculous theory of stigma, that was subtracted to summon a person charged with committing a crime evidence could tarnish the reputation of the César respectable, something that did not fit well with the aesthetics of the country houses party, where the gentry would have to hold its providential aura. Four justices took up arms against the theory in question, including Roberto García-Calvo, for those who accuse assumed no evidence of criminal liability, but would increase the guarantees of defense witness, giving greater transparency to political representatives. However, the Board Two of the Supreme Court threw the key to the possibility of asking such requests to call to testify Serra, Benegas and Felipe González. With these rushes, the resolution took the profiles of the sentence itself.

in June 1998 produced the hearing in which Felipe Gonzalez Barrionuevo persons as witnesses and not accused. Behind her, Jose Barrionuevo and Rafael Vera would be shot through public and sentenced to thirteen and ten years respectively. Garzon, once again mocked and humiliated by Gonzalez, needed, as the puppy milk, how to get to the second assault in which the kidneys beat the President.


The November 22, 1999, with his clothes still wet from the rain that fell Hosts years ago at the hands of the Supreme and the straw and mud hut rolling on the floor, Garzon was not a lost soul and shackled. So, taking advantage of the weakness of their lower hours did not hesitate to shake him like a child at school sneak. The Criminal Division of the National Court returned his gift-wrapped the record with trying to hunt for the second time Felipe González.

"It is logical that the same arguments again lead to Felipe González in the GAL for the second time," said Attorney Ignacio Gordillo. And is that Garzón was launched for the jugular with a summary that was essentially a reflection of the former. Moreover, once again, had fallen into the puddle of irregularities. The principle of 'res judicata prevented the former president was indicted by the Court unless that evidence and evidence substantially different. With the declassification of the papers of CESID in early 1997, thought he had found the perfect trap that Gonzalez would face at any time.

When the Group Chief Operating CESID Special Missions, Juan Alberto Perote, left the intelligence center, displayed their trawl nets and swept with everything he could. Before putting your feet on the street, the spy made microfiche copies where it was in black and white all the available information about the GAL, hiding in his saddlebags over 1200 classified documents, and the famous cintoteca. I knew that from then walk barefoot on the razor's edge. No matter. Stir up earth and sky and archivists provided to involve the real shepherds of the GAL. See how your friends and Francisco Alvarez Sancristóbal burned on a cell while his superiors were hiding under the table he turned on the flashing lights of the bowels. He knew also that the CESID mounted clandestine bases in Bordeaux, Bayonne and Hendaye, and that was giving information to the mercenaries.

With the leak of some of the wiretaps to the newspaper El Mundo, Perote be sentenced to prison by military tribunals. But would entail the Rosetta Stone of the GAL: microfiche and documents which would lead to the founding act of the GAL, and which involved a Narcis Serra, Alonso Manglano and Felipe González.

At that time, Baltasar Garzon grabbed his dowsing rods and started to remove the heap of CESID to find, this time, how to hunt González. Before the declassification of documents, Garzón had already unofficially tracked, as was commissioned to examine the home that was CESID, General Manglano. He had it all but tied. Had established evidence linking directly to Manglano and Gonzalez to the direction of the GAL, following the body of writing that took away from his meeting with Manglano and add to the list to be collated with other writings of the General.

On November 18, 1999, sent the letter to the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court. The winds began to blow strong and icy, like a wild gale. Four days later, the Criminal Division turned its back. Smelling the judge made hunting González something personal, and with that whiff of revenge irreconcilable given off, blocking any possibility of falling to that in the light of statements from his inferiors and the various documents, was conductor of the darkest days of our democracy , that where those who were obliged to safeguard the rights of citizens and prosecute the crime with the tools of the state, decided to draw a bisector between democracy and tyranny, packed their hooded executioners and applying the eye for an eye . Felipe González Márquez

spend the rest of his days in complete impunity, showing that rats sometimes are faster than the cat. VII

As the lion roars slightly while sleeping to pretend that he is alert, talking Felipe Gonzalez to El Pais on 7 November. In his remarks came to hold his own with this self-sufficiency so that might have crushed ETA's top leadership with the pestle of the dirty war, but did not. Would be able to compete well in bliss with St. Augustine himself, proving he could but he refused. Although the events take different profiles after the killings of ETA leaders and Txapela or Arenaza and Santiago Brouard, leader of the political wing of ETA, HASI. For a these macabre coincidences in this life of ours, had to be Constitution Day in the halls of Congress of Deputies, Felipe González he rebuked Peter J. Ramírez that December 7, 1987: "What you're publishing on LAGs is terrible, and if you want to tell you this in writing, I'll tell you in writing. All I have to negotiate with ETA is that if they stop killing us, we will stop killing them. "

At this point, desires collide with reality as two flints. Now is the time of negotiations in the shade and backbiting of the farmhouse, is more necessary than ever to know our recent history in order not to fall in the bag handling. A time when the champions of democracy is passed through the Arc de Triomphe the most basic rights and guarantees and where the judiciary has got the evidence there where the sun never rises Good old Gonzalez was away with it, but is required with bold remark that while he was protecting his own, two policemen in the service of his inferiors in rank would be condemned to rot in jail for one hundred and eight years with much less evidence of liability enjoyed by the Corleone Seville. Over thirty attacks. Twenty-seven murders, many of them innocent victims. Only three of them were enlightened. This Historical memory is the other. Forgetting is much as forgive. It is time to remember. Otherwise, all those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain.


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