Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cydia Hacking Sources 2010

Case Melincué - Yves Domergue and Cristina Cialceta - Changing times

documentary that tells the story of the recent emergence of the identity of the remains of two missing persons ( Yves Domergue and Cristina Cialceta) during the last military dictatorship. A long chain of solidarity built the research came full circle over 34 years of absence. An investigation led to the students from School No. 425 "Paul Pizzurno" along with Juliana Cagrandi teacher in the village of Melincué, province of Santa Fe The narrator of the documentary is Eric Domergue, brother Yves, who we can know the past of Yves and Cristina.

The documentary will air - changes :
  • on Channel Meeting - Thursday 24 March at 21:00.
  • PUBLIC on TV - Channel 7 - March 24 at 18:00 pm and 24 pm.

source: Canal Encuentro

Official Site Yves by his brother Eric:


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