Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Much Are Lacote Polos In New York

Ica Public Welfare

Plastic Artists Iqueño out in CULTURAL EVENING
A 162 years after its foundation, the charitable public of Ica, performs various commemorative events that daesarrollan in Local Institutional Calle Tacna No. 162, from 20 to 28 October, socio-cultural activities including: Campaign Medical , Talks to teach competence, outstanding athlete Recognition Don Adolfo Donayre.Así same day Tuesday 26 at 4.00 hours PMSE Crafts Exhibition opened the CETPRO "Peruvian-Japanese" and the Exhibition of Plastic Arts from the School of Public Artistic Training "Sérvulo Gutiérrez" with works by artists iqueños: Laos Carlos Bracho (Drawing) Quispe Carlos Carrizales (Woodcut), Luis Pérez Peña (Sculpture) and Oscar Pauka (Painting). Shows Sra.Gerente was opened by the Public Welfare Society, CPC.Gina Torrealva Díaz. Exhibit

the creative from the conceptual level and craft production are present in the sample
Cultural Evening which
enrich the possibilities of approach to art.
Anniversary Programming:


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