EXEMPT RES-190 Publication Date: 15.04.2008
Enactment Date: 31.03.2008
Last modified:
exempt .- Santiago No. 190, March 31, 2008 .-
Vistos: the provisions of paragraph two of Article
44 of Presidential Decree No. 1876 of 1995, this
Ministry of Health, which approved the Regulation of
National System of Control of Pharmaceutical and
Bearing in mind the powers vested in me
items 1, 4 and 7 of Decree Law No. 1 of 2005, this
Ministry of Health, which established the consolidated inter
others, of Decree Law No. 2.763 of 1979, gives the
1 .- Supplementing Resolution No. 522
16 August 2007, the Ministry of Health,
approves the document entitled "List of
Traditional Herbal Medicines ", adding to the list approved a new list
additional, 32-page document that
under this resolution passes, which will
filed in the office of the Ministry of Health and will
in the custody of the Division
Healthy Public Policy and Promotion, which
entity responsible for managing its inclusion on the website of the Ministry of Health
for purposes of public
knowledge and must ensure that copies or reproductions issued
observe strict accordance with the original text.
2 .- The List of Herbal Medicines
be approved under this resolution, as a complement to the above list
, shall come into force
have six months following the publication of
this administrative act in the Official Journal. TRADITIONAL HERBAL MEDICINES
List No. (2)
1 .- BIRCH (Betula pendula Roth), leaves, bark. Traditional uses
a) internal use: as a disinfectant and diuretic
kidney and urinary tract, in
states and rheumatic fever. Control of diabetes mellitus insulin-independent
b) External Use: For washing of infected wounds, skin
itchy to prevent hair loss.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: Diuretic (1), bactericide (2) of
urinary tract, analgesic (3), febrifuge (4),
hypoglycemic (5).
Precautions: avoid the use of preparations of birch in cases of edema
cardiac dysfunction and renal failure. Due to its content
using too much focusing on patients with active bleeding or who are following treatments
hemostatic or
anticoagulants. These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: use as a disinfectant in the
prevention and treatment of disorders of the urinary
apparatus, and to soothe aching joints,
have scientific backgrounds. ________________________________________________
(1) promotes and enhances the production of urine.
(2) kill bacteria or prevent their development
(3) reduces pain
(4) low
fever (5) decreases the level of
blood sugar
2 .- wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.),
stem-leaves-flowers. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: upset stomach and liver;
intestinal parasites, irregular menstrual cycle;
cold with cough.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: antispasmodics (1), Carmine (2),
emmenagogue (3), vermifuge (4).
Precautions: Not recommended
consumption in pregnancy and lactation, or manage
young children and people with epilepsy. Do not consume
long periods. Avoid use in chronic digestive inflammation
. These products have the character of auxiliaries
symptomatic so it
not replace prescribed by the physician in treating a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: antispasmodic effect,
carminative, emmenagogue and vermifuge
have scientific backgrounds. ________________________________________________
(1) quiet
intestinal cramps (2) prevents and promotes the expulsion of gases in the stomach and intestines
(3) encourages or promotes menstrual flow
(4) eliminates intestinal worms
3 .- BASIL (Ocimum basilicum L), stems, leaves
Traditional uses
a) Internal Use: anorexia, dyspepsia, colic ,
stomach pain, bloating, constipation, menstrual pain
b) external use: cleaning wounds, acne, rheumatism.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
As a laxative, take before breakfast and before lunch;
The same infusion is used to wash wounds
strawberry juice for acne leaves, for
rheumatism rub marinate in fresh leaves in alcohol or spirits by
10-15 days, the sun set aside time each day, then filter and use rubbing
premises 2 or 3 times a day.
effects: digestive (1), Carmine (2), antispasmodic
(3), antimicrobial (4), emmenagogue (5),
laxative (6)
Precautions: Do not exceed recommended dose. These products have the character
symptomatic so that replaced as indicated by the
medical treatment of a disease. Avoid preparing
in aluminum cookware. To consult the doctor,
tell who is using this herb medicinal.
Other history: its use in constipation and gas
have scientific backgrounds. ________________________________________________
(1) aids digestion
(2) prevents and promotes the expulsion of gases in the stomach and intestines
(3) quiet
intestinal cramps (4) prevents the growth of microbes
(5) encourages or promotes
menstrual flow (6) promotes bowel movement
4 .- ARTICHOKE (Cynara scolymus L), stems, leaves
Traditional uses internal use: liver and biliary diseases;
retention by liver malfunction;
high cholesterol, gout.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: colagogo (1), choleretic (2), cleanser (3),
diuretic (4), hepatic (5), lipid (6).
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: there is no scientific evidence to support your
use. ________________________________________________
(1) stimulates the secretion of bile from the gallbladder
(2) stimulates the production of bile by the liver
(3) clean the blood of impurities other bodily fluids
(4) promotes and increases urine output
(5) promotes liver function
(6) lowers the level of blood cholesterol. 5 .-
ANISE (Pimpinella anisum L.), fruits (
popularly known as seeds)
internal use traditional uses: digestive disorders such as cramps and bloating
, colds, dry cough, sore throat,
bronchitis, fever, low milk; hiccups.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon vegetable
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, take 2 to 3 cups daily
Effects: antispasmodic (1), Carmine (2),
colagogo (3), galactógena (4).
Precautions: High doses can be toxic,
it should be used sparingly. These products have the character
symptomatic so do not replace as directed by the physician in treating a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum cookware. To consult the doctor, tell them you are
using this herb.
Other background: no scientific background
support its traditional use. ________________________________________________
(1) quiet bowel cramping.
(2) prevents and promotes the expulsion of gases in the stomach and intestines
(3) increases and stimulates the expulsion of bile from the gallbladder
(4) increases the secretion of milk
6 .- ARRAYAN / Cheques (Luma check (Mol.) A. Gray), with branches
Traditional uses internal use: diarrhea, digestive disorders,
rheumatism, gout.
The infusion is prepared with 1
tablespoon vegetable 1 cup of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: anti-inflammatory, detoxifying (1)
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this herb
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
__________________________________________________ (1) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
7 .- ARTEMISA / feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium (L) Sch.
Bip), aerial parts. Traditional uses
a) Internal Use: worms, pidulles;
scanty menstruation and painful, headache, migraine and neuralgia;
b) external use: rheumatic and arthritic pain (in
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water.
The infusion is also used in compresses, irrigation, or
effect: anti-inflammatory, anti-migraine (1),
febrifuge (2)
Caution: Do not use during pregnancy and control
doctor during lactation.
not take concomitantly with anticoagulants, aspirin and ginkgo biloba
. Can cause contact dermatitis.
to their effects occur may be necessary to take
daily for 2 to 3 months. The fresh leaves
direct contact can cause mouth sores, abdominal pain or loss
taste. These products have the character of auxiliaries
therefore not replaced as indicated by the medical treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: there are essays
validate clinical use in the prevention of migraine. For the anti-inflammatory effect are
scientific background but are not conclusive. ________________________________________________
(1) quiet
migraine or migraine (2) low fever
8 .- (Arctium lappa L.), whole plant. Traditional uses
a) internal use: Rheumatic disorders, digestion
difficult fluid retention.
b) external use: skin diseases (wounds, ulcers and psoriasis
), hemorrhoids.
decoction (root and stem) is prepared with 1 tablespoon of the vegetable
for 1 liter of cold water, let stand
few hours, then boil no more than 5 minutes and the final
brew, drink 3 cups daily.
The same preparation for external use as a compress or wash
. The leaves are brewed.
Effects: antiiflamatorio, bactericidal (1),
cleanser (2), diuretic (3).
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this herb
Other background: there is no scientific evidence to support your use
. ________________________________________________
(1) kill bacteria or prevent their development.
(2) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
(3) promotes and enhances the production of urine.
9 .- BAG OF PASTOR / garden cress (Capsella bursa pastoris
(L.) Medik), stems, leaves, flowers, bark
PROPERTIES Traditional uses
a) internal use, menstrual disorders, bleeding
(digestive, uterine , kidney, intestine), diarrhea.
b) external use: muscular atrophy;
wash wounds and ulcers, bleeding nose.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of the vegetable fresh
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups
can be used in decoction (cooking), boiling 1 tablespoon
bark to 1 liter of water, boil for 10
minutes, take 3 cups day
also used to clean wounds, massages and rubs, massage atrophy
muscle Steep
fresh plant alcohol or liquor for 10-15 days, putting the sun
some time each day, then filter and use in local rubs
2 or 3 times a day.
Effects: hemostatic (1), astringent (2), antidiarrheal
(3), emmenagogue (4).
Precautions: Do not use long treatments
during pregnancy. These products have the character of auxiliaries
symptomatic so it
not replace prescribed by the physician in treating a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: there is no scientific evidence to support your use
. ________________________________________________
(1) decreases bleeding or bleeding
(2) contracts and hardens
organic tissues (3) quiet
diarrhea (4) encourages or promotes menstrual flow
10 .-
Buchu (Agathosma betulina (Berg.) Pillans), leaves
Traditional uses internal use: inflammation and infection of urinary tract
, mild cystitis, rheumatic pains.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves
per 1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups a day
Effects: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic (1), diuretic
(2), cleanser (3)
Precautions: Do not exceed recommended dose. These products have the character
symptomatic so that replaced as indicated by the
medical treatment of a disease. Avoid
preparation in aluminum cookware. To consult the doctor,
tell who is using this herb.
Other background: no scientific background
endorse their use. Is described in pharmacopoeia
________________________________________________ (1) destroys germs on the skin and mucous
(2) promotes and enhances the production of urine
(3) removes impurities
blood and other body fluids.
Acaena splendens Hook et Arn), Leaves
Traditional uses internal use: liver ailments, kidney cleanse
of the urinary tract.
The infusion is made with 2 tablespoons crushed dried leaves and
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water and leave to rest for 10 minutes
; drink during the day.
Effect: Diuretic (1), purifying (2), anti-inflammatory.
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: there are scientific background
support its traditional use as anti-inflammatory.
(1) promotes and enhances the production of urine.
(2) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
12 .- Cochayuyo / Ulteo (Durvillea Antarctica (Chamizo)
Arito), the entire plant. Traditional uses
a) internal use, obesity, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism
, fatty liver, hypertension, diabetes mellitus
b) external use: it eliminates scrofulous tumors (noncancerous tumors soft
The plant cooked (salad or other hot dish)
help fight obesity by high intake of soluble and insoluble fiber
. The mash is prepared
leaving a tablespoon of dried and crushed plant in
water all night and drink 1 cup before breakfast.
For external use is used as a poultice,
Parboiling a tablespoon of dried and crushed plant in
a cup of hot water, then pounded in a mortar
Effects: cleanser (1), hipocolestermiante (2), tonic
thyroid (3).
Precautions: In case of hyperthyroidism
limit their intake. These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor,
tell is using this herb.
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
(2) low level of cholesterol in the blood.
(3) stimulates the thyroid gland function.
13 .- Contrayerba / KILLS WORMS / DALAL (Flaveria
bidentis (L.) O. Kuntze), leaves, branches. Traditional uses
a) Internal Use: deworming,
sudorífico fever, menses scanty and painful
; estitiquez.
b) use External: to wash wounds and ulcers.
against animal and insect poisons.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
The same preparation is used to clean wounds.
Effects: vermifuge (1), emmenagogue (2), sudorific (3),
laxative (4)
Precautions: Do not use if you are taking anticoagulants
since it might enhance the effect
anticoagulant medication. These products have the character of auxiliary
therefore not replaced as indicated by the medical treatment of a disease
. Avoid preparedness
aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: there are scientific background
support its use as a vermifuge. ________________________________________________
(1) removes intestinal worms
(2) encourages or promotes menstrual flow
(3) increases transpiration.
(4) promotes bowel movement.
14 .- (Otholobium glandulosum (L.) Grimes),
leaf-stalks, bark, flowers
Traditional uses
a) internal use: stomach pain, indigestion, indigestion,
diarrhea, loss of appetite; diabetes mellitus.
b) external use: clean wounds (juice of crushed leaves and leaf
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of the plant to
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 1 cup 3 times in
Effects: Antipyretic (1), antibacterial (2),
vulnerario (3), astringent (4).
Precautions: May cause photosensitivity
high doses. These products have the character of auxiliaries as symptomatic
not replace
indicated by the physician in treating disease. Preparation
avoid aluminum cookware.
to consult a doctor, tell them you are using this herb medicinal.
Other history: its antibacterial and antipyretic
would be supported by scientific findings. ________________________________________________
(1) reduces fever
body (2) kill bacteria or prevent their development.
(3) helps heal wounds
(4) contracts and tightens the body tissue
15 .- (Paspalum vaginatum Sw) rhizome-roots. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: cleaning of the kidney and urinary tract.
Baking was prepared with 1 tablespoon of rhizome and roots
crushed to 1 cup of water boiled for a few minutes
: 3 cups in the day.
Effects: cleanser (1), diuretic (2)
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
(2) promotes and enhances the production of urine.
16 .- JUNIPER (Juniperus communis L), fruits (berries) Traditional uses
a) internal use: cystitis, urethritis, kidney stones and
of bladder, gout and swelling (edema), bronchitis, pharyngitis
, dyspepsia, halitosis.
b) external use: rheumatism, arthritis, post-herpetic neuralgia
, muscle pain, fungal infections.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
decoction (cooking) is prepared by boiling 1 tablespoon vegetable
in 1 liter of water for 10
minutes used through washes and compresses.
Effects: antineuralgic (1), antiseptic (2)
urinary tract and respiratory appetizer (3), Carmine (4), diuretics
(5), expectorant (6)
Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy or
renal failure patients, may increase the effect of drugs
antidiabetic agents and diuretics may
reduce the effect of oral anticoagulants.
These products have the character of auxiliaries as symptomatic
not replace
indicated by the physician in treating disease. Preparation
avoid aluminum cookware.
to consult a doctor, tell them you are using this herb.
Other history: no history
scientific support its use. ____________________________________________________
(1) reduces the pain caused by inflammation of a nerve
(2) destroys germs on the skin or mucous membranes.
(3) stimulates the appetite.
(4) prevents and promotes the expulsion of gases in the stomach and intestines
(5) promotes and enhances the production of urine.
(6) favors the expulsion of bronchial secretions
17 .- SPUR OF GALÁN / CAPUCHINA (Tropaelum majus L.) leaves
. Traditional uses
a) internal use: states flu, inflammation of
throat, urinary tract infection.
b) external use: wounds and skin lesions, loss of hair
, bruising. The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of the vegetable
for 1 liter of freshly boiled
, drink 3 cups daily.
The same preparation is used for washing.
crushed fresh leaf is used as a poultice on bruises and bruises
Effect: Antibacterial (1), emollient (2), anti-inflammatory
Precautions: Do not administer in cases of gastritis, stomach ulcer
, pregnancy, lactation, renal or cardiac failure
, hypothyroidism.
seeds are toxic, avoid oral administration. These
products have the ancillary character of symptomatic
so do not replace
indicated by the physician in treating disease. Preparation
avoid aluminum cookware. To consult the doctor
, tell them you are using this herb.
Other background: their antibacterial effect has
scientific background. ________________________________________________
(1) prevents bacterial growth.
(2) softens or smooths the skin
18. EUCALYPTUS / eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.)
long adult leaves. Traditional uses
a) internal use, conditions of roads
such as upper respiratory catarrh, colds, sore throat or swollen tonsils
, bronchitis, flu and asthma, diabetes mellitus non-insulin
applicant (type II).
b) external use, in washes for rhinitis, cystitis, vaginitis
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
In respiratory diseases can be sweetened with honey
To vapors (inhalation) to prepare a decoction or cooking
: 1 tablespoon vegetable
1 liter of water, heat to boiling and then
inhaling steam several times as follows. The same infusion
for external use.
Effects: Antiseptic (1), expectorant (2), febrifuge (3),
hypoglycemic (4).
Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy and lactation
, or children under two years.
can lessen the effects of phenobarbital, sedatives, anticonvulsants and analgesics
. It should not be used in high doses
by people with low blood pressure. The
most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
, bronchospasm, headache.
These products have the character of auxiliaries as symptomatic
not replace
indicated by the physician in treating disease. Avoid its preparation
aluminum cookware.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this herb
Other background:
antiseptic activity has a scientific background. ________________________________________________
(1) destroys germs on the skin or mucous membranes.
(2) favors the expulsion of bronchial secretions
(3) low fever.
(4) decreases the level of blood sugar
19 .- WAR / GRANADA (Punica granatum L.), shell-bark
PROPERTIES Traditional uses
a) Internal Use: diarrhea, dyspepsia, pharyngitis,
stomatitis. To remove the tapeworm (tapeworm).
b) external use: in vaginitis (washed),
tonsillitis (gargle), herpes zoster (pads).
The decoction is prepared with 1 tablespoon of the plant
for 1 liter of water, boil 5 minutes, drink 3-4 cups
in the day he was taken to expel the fasting
for 3 days, a cup of decoction prepared
with 2 tablespoons of ground.
Effects: vermifuge (1), astringent (2), antiviral (3), digestive
Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy and lactation
under 5 years not to exceed
therapeutic doses and treatment time as
can produce dizziness, impaired vision, weakness, leg cramps
and tremors seizure. These products have the character
symptomatic so that replaced as indicated by the
medical treatment of a disease. Avoid preparing
in aluminum cookware. To consult the doctor,
tell who is using this herb.
Other background: The pomegranate is
officinal in some countries, so it is found in several Pharmacopoeias
. ________________________________________________
(1) removes intestinal worms
(2) contracts and tightens tissue.
(3) combat virus infection by
(4) aids digestion
20 .- GUAYACAN / CHILEAN PALO SANTO (Porlieria chilensis
Johnst.), Branches, bark. Traditional uses
a) internal use: cold,
kidney and rheumatic fever.
b) external use: pain from bumps and bruises.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
The same preparation for external use.
used as baths or poultices.
Effects: balsamic (1), purifying (2), sudorific (3),
antibacterial (4), anti-inflammatory.
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this herb
Other background: their antibacterial effect has
scientific background (1) moderate bronchial secretions.
(2) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
(3) stimulates sweating.
(4) prevents bacterial growth.
21 .- / PALO DULCE (Calceolaria thyrsiflora
Grah) leaves. Traditional uses
a) internal use, kidney and urinary tract
, urinary incontinence.
The sweet taste of the leaves can replace this
infusion using
sucrose or synthetic sweeteners to flavor drinks.
b) external use: ulcers and inflammation of the gums.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of dried leaves
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups
This preparation is also used for external use, use
by gargling.
Effects: anti-inflammatory Astringent (1),
healing (2), diuretic (3).
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this herb
Other background: no scientific background
support its use. ________________________________________________
(1) contracts and tightens tissue.
(2) promotes healing of ulcers and wounds.
(3) promotes and enhances the production of urine.
22 .- FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgare Mill), whole plant PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: diarrhea, cramps, flatulence,
liver disease and the urinary tract
promotes milk production.
The infusion is prepared with a 1 tablespoon of the plant
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups
Effects: antispasmodic (1), Carmine (2), analgesic
(3), galactógena (4).
Precautions: Administer with caution in pregnant and nursing
. Do not use in high doses can cause convulsions as
. These products have
symptomatic auxiliary character so it does not replace
indicated by the medical treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum cookware. To consult the doctor,
tell who is using this herb.
Other background: effects antispasmodic, carminative
is described in pharmacopoeias
________________________________________________ (1) quiet bowel cramping.
(2) prevents and promotes the expulsion of gases in the stomach and intestines
(3) quiet
pain (4) increases milk production.
23 .- (Lampaya medicinalis F. Phil.) Leaves. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: Kidney, urinary tract and prostate
, impaired liver, dyspepsia.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: cleanser (1), refreshing (2), stomach (3)
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this
medicinal herb.
Other background: there is no scientific evidence supports the use
traditional. ________________________________________________
(1) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
(2) moderates the heat of the body.
(3) aids digestion
24 .- Llaret / Yaret (Laretia acaulis (Cav.) Gill.
et Hook.) Whole plant (champa). PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: Urinary and gastrointestinal discomfort,
decrease blood sugar in diabetics
not insulin dependent.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of water freshly boiled 3 cups in the day.
gum (resin) is used locally
sore teeth. Effects: anti-inflammatory, detoxifying (1),
hypoglycemic (2).
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this herb
Other background: there is no scientific evidence supports the use
traditional. _________________________________________________
(1) clean the impurities blood and other bodily
(2) low blood glucose (sugar in the blood).
25 .- Maite (boaria Maytenus Mol.) Leaves, branches, seeds
Traditional uses
a) internal use: fever, liver.
b) external use: rash and pain
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
The same preparation for external use as a poultice.
Effects: anti-inflammatory, febrifuge (1), purifying (2)
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this herb
Other background: anti-inflammatory effects and has a scientific background
________________________________________________ (1) reduces fever.
(2) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
RHEUMATISM 26 .- MELON / CUCUMBER RHEUMATISM (Ecballium elaterium (L.)
A. Rich.) Fruits. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: rheumatic pains.
The fruits are macerated in alcohol for several days, the resulting liquid
used by local
rub affected areas
rheumatic or fruit stain is applied directly to local rubs
effect: anti-inflammatory.
Cautions: FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Toxic plant,
not ingest. These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: anti-inflammatory effect
have scientific backgrounds.
27 .- Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.), stem
soft (not woody) flowers, leaves
Traditional uses
a) internal use, menstrual cramps, digestion difficult,
diarrhea and fever.
b) external use: to treat wounds of various nature and stop
small hemorrhages.
The infusion is made with 2 tablespoons dry
plant in 1 liter of freshly boiled water, let stand 10
minutes, take 3 times a day.
For external use using twice the amount of
plant for the same volume of water.
Effect: Antibacterial (1), astringent (2),
emmenagogue (3), antispasmodic (4), hemostatic (5),
febrifuge (6), anti-inflammatory.
Precautions: Do not administer during pregnancy and lactation
Not recommended for people being treated with oral anticoagulants
. Do not take it very concentrated
may interfere with antihypertensive therapy and cause sedation and diuresis
can cause contact dermatitis
and increase sensitivity to sunlight. Do not use on infected wounds
. These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid preparation utensils
of aluminum. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: there are no scientific background to support the use
________________________________________________ (1) kill bacteria or prevent their development.
(2) contracts and tightens tissue.
(3) encourages or promotes menstrual flow
(4) quiet bowel cramping.
(5) decreases bleeding or hemorrhage.
(6) reduces fever
28 .- MOLLE (Schinus areira L.) leaves, bark. Traditional uses
a) internal use, bronchitis, liver ailments. Dolores
stomach and rheumatic
irregular menstruation; gases.
b) external use: rheumatism, sciatica, cleaning of wounds.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon
leaves for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily;
For external use is used in decoction or cooking
the bark, boil 1 tablespoon of the vegetable into 1
liter of water for 10 minutes.
use as compresses or baths (rheumatism) and washed his wounds.
Effects: anti-inflammatory, healing, emmenagogue (1), antispasmodic
(2), antibacterial (3) and antifungal (4).
Precautions: Do not administer during pregnancy, the
consumption of fruits molle
can cause toxic reactions especially in children.
can enhance the effect of drugs used to lower blood pressure
These products have the character of auxiliaries as symptomatic
not replace
indicated by the physician in treating disease. Preparation
avoid aluminum cookware.
to consult a doctor, tell them you are using this herb.
Other history: its use as an antiinflammatory, healing
, antifungal, and antispasmodic
have some scientific background. ________________________________________________
(1) encourages or promotes menstrual flow
(2) quiet bowel cramping.
(3) kill bacteria or prevent their development
(4) kills fungi or inhibits their development
29 .- MULBERRY (Morus nigra L) bark, leaves
Traditional uses internal use: diabetes mellitus insulin party;
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of water, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: hypoglycemic (1)
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid preparing
in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other records: their use as hypoglycemic
has some scientific background. ________________________________________________
(1) decreases the level of blood sugar
30 .- NALC / PANGUE (Gunnera tinctoria (Mol.) Mirb)
root-stem-leaves. Traditional uses
a) Internal Use: bleeding, heavy periods and painful
, diarrhea, stomach ailments and liver
, fever.
b) external use: wounds, vaginal irritation and gum;
sore throat. The infusion was prepared with 1 tablespoon
leaves for 1 liter of freshly boiled water;
drink 3 cups daily.
also serves to wash wounds.
The decoction is prepared with 1 tablespoon of root and / or
stem to 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes. The
decoction of the leaves is used to reduce fever.
Effects: Astringent (1), hemostatic (2), febrifuge (3).
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell is
using this herb.
Other background: The hemostatic effect
has some scientific background. ________________________________________________
(1) contracts and hardens the body tissues
(2) decreases bleeding or bleeding
(3) low fever
31 .- Bitter Orange / Bitter Orange. (Citrus aurantium L.
), leaves, flowers, shells. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: insomnia, nervousness, stress (
infusion of flowers), dyspepsia, loss of appetite, indigestion, asthma,
flu, colds, cough (decoction of the peel);
capillary fragility.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon
flowers to 1 liter of freshly boiled water, let stand for 5
minutes, drink 2 cups in the afternoon.
decoction (cooking) is prepared by boiling 1 teaspoon peel
in 1 liter of water for ten
minutes, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: sedative (1) soft, hemostatic (2), stomach (3).
precautions: can cause adverse cardiovascular
either heart rate or blood pressure
, which are significantly potentiated by caffeine
is contraindicated coadministration with drugs containing
cyclosporine People should avoid drinking alcohol in
MAOIs, severe hypertension, diabetes,
glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy. Administered with caution in pregnant
minor children;
not exceed the amounts indicated. These products have the character of auxiliaries
therefore not replaced as indicated by the medical treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) moderates
nervous system activity (2) decreases bleeding or bleeding
(3) aids digestion
32 .- (Solanum ligustrinum Lodden. (Including
S. crispum, S. gayanum)), leaf-stalks. Traditional use
internal use: fever, headache, non-insulin diabetes mellitus
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily. If fever
high wear
intestinal lavage decoction: boil 1 tablespoon vegetable
1 liter of water for 10 minutes, cool and apply.
Effect: febrifuge (1), hypoglycemic (2)
precautions: contraindicated in people with low blood pressure
. These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: febrifuge effect has
scientific background. ___________________________________________________
(1) reduces fever.
(2) low blood glucose (sugar in the blood).
33 .- (IAEA europaea L.) leaves. PROPERTIES
traditional uses internal use: high blood pressure.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon chopped fresh leaves
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, let stand
and take 2-3 cups a day.
Effect: Antihypertensive
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other history: its use as an antihypertensive has
scientific background.
34 .- AVOCADO (Persea americana Mill) leaves. Traditional uses
a) Internal Use:
respiratory conditions such as colds, coughs, colds, bronchitis, stomach ailments
, scanty menstruation and painful.
b) external use: skin diseases (pimples, dandruff);
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of fresh leaves or dried
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups a day
, the same preparation for external use
(head washes, vaginal or skin lesions).
Effects: Antiseptic (1), emmenagogue (2), emollient (3),
stomach (4).
Precautions: No recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation
. You can reduce the anticoagulant effect of warfarin-type drugs
. These products have the character of auxiliary
therefore not replaced as indicated by the medical treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) destroys germs on the skin or mucous membranes.
(2) encourages or promotes menstrual flow
(3) softens or smooths the skin
(4) aids digestion
35 .- CORN HAIR / HAIR OF CORN (Zea mays L), all hair
corn or maize
Traditional uses internal use: swelling
fluid infusion is made with a tablespoon of vegetable
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups
Effect: Diuretic (1)
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell is
using this herb.
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) promotes and enhances the production of urine
36 .- FIR PINE (Pinus radiata D. Don.) Shoots. Traditional uses
a) Internal Use:
respiratory conditions such as colds, sinusitis, cough and bronchitis, infections of the urinary tract
b) external use: neuralgic and rheumatic pains.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
to fumes (Puffs, if nasal obstruction)
prepare a decoction or cooking with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
(to outbreaks can add some leaves)
for 1 liter of water, heat to boiling and then
inhaling steam several times while follows.
Effects: Antiseptic (1), expectorant (2).
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) destroys germs on the skin or mucous membranes.
(2) favors the expulsion of bronchial secretions pathological
37 .- POLEO / pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.),
stem-leaves-flowers. PROPERTIES
internal use traditional uses: digestive disturbances such as dyspepsia,
cramps, stomach pain, flatulence, constipation
limited periods.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: antispasmodic (1) , Carmine (2),
stomach (3), emmenagogue (4).
Precautions: Do not administer during pregnancy, lactation and children
Do not exceed recommended dose
especially people with liver problems. Do not administer paracetamol.
may decrease the therapeutic effect of oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin
. You can increase the therapeutic effect of antihistamines
. Do not take with
St. John's Wort and Kava. These products have the character of auxiliaries
therefore not replaced as indicated by the medical treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) quiet bowel cramping.
(2) prevents and promotes the expulsion of gases
(3) promotes digestion
(4) encourages or promotes menstrual flow
Senna stipulacea (Aiton) Irv. Et Barneby ), stems. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: constipation.
The decoction is prepared with 1 or 2 sticks
1 cup water, boil 10 minutes before taking sleep.
Effect: purgative (1).
Precautions: Contraindicated in intestinal obstruction
, pregnancy and children under 12 years. Do not use
prolonged treatment.
These products have the character of auxiliaries as symptomatic
not replace
indicated by the physician in treating disease. Preparation
avoid aluminum cookware. To consult the doctor
, tell them you are using this herb.
Other history: its use as a laxative has
scientific background. ________________________________________________
(1) strongly favors the evacuation of the belly.
39 .-
QUILA / Mollaca / Voqui (Muehlenbeckia hastulata
IMJohnst.) Whole plant. Traditional uses
a) Internal Use: diuretic,
liver disease (jaundice) and rheumatic
b) external use, to clean and heal wounds and ulcers
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
The same infusion is used to wash the skin area affected
Effects: Diuretic (1), astringent (2), cleanser (3)
Precautions: Administer with caution in pregnant women.
may increase the effect of drugs
antihypertensives. These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background
endorse their use. ________________________________________________
(1) promotes and enhances the production of urine.
(2) contracts and hardens
organic tissues (3) removes impurities blood and other body fluids
40 .- (Quinchamalium chilense Mol.)
stems, leaves, flowers
Traditional uses
a) internal use: liver and biliary disorders, fluid retention
, anti-inflammatory.
b) external use hematomas (bruises).
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water (sweetened with honey);
drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: anti-inflammatory, healing, diuretic (1),
cleanser (2)
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid preparing
in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other history: its use as an anti-inflammatory has
scientific background. ________________________________________________
(1) promotes and increases urine output
(2) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
41 .- (Tristerix tetrandrus Mart.)
leaves, flowers, branches
traditional uses external use: stomach ulcers, lower cholesterol
and nervous disorders.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon fresh vegetable
for 1 liter of fresh water boiled in 3 cups
used to lower cholesterol in decoction of 1 tablespoon of the vegetable
in 1 liter of water until
boil, cool and drink the same dose as in the
Effects: anti-inflammatory, healing, hemostatic (1)
, hiccups colesterolémico (2), sedation (3)
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
indicated by the doctor
treating a disease. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background who endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) stops or slows the bleeding.
(2) lowers blood cholesterol.
(3) moderates nervous system activity
42 .- (Lomatia hirsuta (Lam) Tell them ex Macbr.)
Traditional uses internal use: respiratory illness (cough, cold,
bronchitis, asthma). The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of the vegetable
for 1 liter of freshly boiled
, preferably sweetened with honey 3 cups
in the day.
Effects: anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator (1),
antimicrobial (2)
precautions: can cause diarrhea. These products have the character
symptomatic so do not replace as directed by the physician in treating a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum cookware. By consulting a doctor,
tell who is using this herb.
Other history: its use as an anti-inflammatory has
scientific background. ________________________________________________
bronchodilator (2) prevents bacterial growth. 43 .-
broom (Spartium junceum L.) flowers. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: conditions kidney and urinary tract
stomach ailments, gastric ulcers, menstrual disorders
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: anti-ulcer (1), diuretic (2).
Caution: very toxic plant, do not use without medical
control. Do not use for any reason during pregnancy.
side effects ranging from vomiting, diarrhea,
tachycardia, difficulty in breathing, heart rate decreased
even death. These products have the character of auxiliaries
therefore not replaced as indicated by the medical treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum cookware. Al
to the doctor, tell them you are using this herb
Other history: its anti-ulcer and diuretic
have scientific backgrounds. ________________________________________________
(1) preventing and combating stomach ulcers.
(2) promotes and enhances the production of urine. 44 .-
RICA-RICA / KORE (Acantholippia deserticola (Phil.) Moldenke
), stems, leaves, flowers
Traditional uses internal use: stomach aches, kidney problems and circulatory disorders
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of dried plant
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, let stand for 10 minutes
. Take as water for thirsty
Effects: Antiseptic (1), antispasmodic (2).
Precautions: Do not administer to pregnant women. Possible
CNS stimulant
These products have the character of ancillary symptoms so do not replace
indicated by the physician in treating a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum cookware. To consult the doctor,
tell who is using this herb.
Other background: there are scientific background
support its use as an antispasmodic. ________________________________________________
(1) destroys germs on the skin and mucous
(2) quiet bowel cramping.
45 .- Yellow Dock / COW TONGUE (Murray and
conglomeratus Rumex Rumex crispus), root-leaf-stalks. Traditional uses
a) Internal Use: diarrhea and disorders of the urinary tract
b) external use: wash and heal wounds infected
treat skin rashes.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, to wash wounds
prepare the infusion with 1 tablespoon of the plant for 1
cup water.
Effects: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic (1),
astringent (2), healing (3), cleanser (4).
Precautions: Do not use in pregnancy people
tendency to form kidney stones or gall bladder
not to consume this plant. These products have the character of auxiliaries
therefore not replaced as indicated by the medical treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background
endorse their use.
(1) destroys germs on the skin or mucous
(2) contracts and hardens
organic tissues (3) promotes healing of ulcers and wounds
(4) removes impurities
blood and other body fluids. 46 .-
SABINILLAS / PERLILLA (Margyricarpus pinnatus
Kuntze.) Leaves, stems, branches. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: Renal and urinary disorders
especially kidney stones purification.
The infusion is prepared with a 1 tablespoon of the vegetable
for 1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups
Effects: Diuretic (1), purifying (2), antispasmodic
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) promotes and enhances the production of urine.
(2) removes impurities blood and other body fluids
(3) quiet bowel cramping.
SOUR SAUCE 47 .- / CHILEAN WILLOW (Salix humboldtiana
Willd. Salix chilensis Mol.), Bark, leaves. Traditional uses
a) internal use, low fever, rheumatic
quiet and menstrual pain.
b) external use: cleaning wounds.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
The same preparation for external use.
Effects: analgesic (1), anti-inflammatory (2),
febrifuge (3), astringent (4)
Precautions: Not recommended for children, pregnant women
in patients with gastric ulcer.
not used concurrently with oral anticoagulants. A high dose
can cause gastritis and ulcers. These products have the character
symptomatic so that replaced as indicated by the
medical treatment of a disease. Avoid preparing
in aluminum cookware. To consult the doctor,
tell who is using this herb.
Other history: its analgesic, anti-inflammatory
, febrifuge
have scientific backgrounds. ________________________________________________
(1) reduces pain.
(2) decreases inflammation.
(3) low fever.
(4) contracts and tightens the body tissue
sessiliflora (Poepp.) Skottsb), whole plant. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: stomach ailments, constipation,
kidney disease, menstrual disorders, fever.
decoction (cooking) is prepared by boiling 1 tablespoon vegetable
in 1 liter of water for 10
minutes or let it filter, drinking 2 to 3 cups
Effects: Diuretic (1), emmenagogue (2), stomach (3),
febrifuge (4), laxative (5).
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so you do not replace your doctor tells
in the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background
endorse their use. ________________________________________________
(1) promotes and enhances the production of urine
(2) encourages or promotes menstrual flow.
(3) helps digestion.
(4) low fever.
(5) promotes bowel movement. 49 .-
coltsfoot (Petasites fragrans (Vill.) C. Presl.) Leaves
-rhizome. PROPERTIES
Traditional uses internal use: conditions
respiratory tract such as cough, asthma, hoarseness and allergic rhinitis.
Prevention of migraine
inflammatory and antispasmodic.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
Effects: anti-inflammatory (1), antispasmodic (2), antimigraine
Precautions: Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation and
patients with liver disease, not to exceed the recommended dose or perform
for long periods of time. These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace the indicated
by the doctor treating a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other history: its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and anti-migraine
have scientific backgrounds. ________________________________________________
(1) decreases inflammation.
(2) quiet bowel cramping.
(3) quiet migraine or migraine. 50 .-
VERBENA (Verbena litoralis HBK)
branches-leaves-flowers. Traditional uses
a) internal use: fever, diarrhea, stomach ulcers,
liver ailments.
b) external use: healing wounds, skin affections
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
is also useful for external use.
Effects: anti-inflammatory, astringent (1),
healing (2), maturation (3)
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
indicated by the treating physician a
disease. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) contracts and tightens tissue.
(2) promotes healing of ulcers and wounds.
(3) makes maturing abscesses
VIRA-VIRA 51 .- (Pseudognaphalium viravira (Mol.) A.
Anderb.) Whole plant. Traditional uses
a) internal use: cough, asthma, bronchitis, fever, colds.
b) external use: wash wounds
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily;
can be sweetened with honey.
Effect: Antibacterial (1), expectorant (2),
sudorífico (3), febrifuge (4).
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils. To consult the doctor, tell who is using this herb
Other history: its use as an antibacterial has
scientific background. ________________________________________________
(1) prevents bacterial growth.
(2) favors the expulsion of bronchial secretions
(3) increases transpiration.
(4) low fever. 53 .-
YERBA NAIL / LELIANTU (Geum chiloensis Balb.
ex Ser), Rhizome-root. Traditional uses
a) Internal Use: As an aphrodisiac and male impotence.
lesser extent urinary tract ailments.
b) external use: wounds, ulcers of the skin and irritated gums
by washing or towels.
The decoction is prepared with 1 stick
dry about 5 centimeters to 1 liter of water, boil 20 minutes;
drink 3 cups daily, or as water to the thirsty.
The same preparation can be used for the external route as compresses
or washed. You can also prepare a macerate
dry 1 stick leaving about 5 cm.
10 to 15 days in alcohol, drink a glass a day.
Effects: cleanser (1), diuretic (2), astringent (3),
aphrodisiac (4).
Precautions: interferes with cyclosporine
altering their blood levels and therefore constitutes a risk
potential transplant patients.
is not recommended during pregnancy.
These products have the character of auxiliaries as symptomatic
not replace
indicated by the physician in treating disease. Preparation
avoid aluminum cookware.
to consult a doctor, tell them you are using this herb.
Other background: no scientific background to endorse their use
________________________________________________ (1) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
(2) promotes and enhances the production of urine
(3) contracts and tightens the body tissue
(4) stimulates sexual appetite.
GRASS LIZARD 53 .- / Calaguala (Polypodium feuillei
Bertero), leaves, stems, roots, rhizomes
Traditional uses internal use: fever, chronic lung conditions,
bronchial catarrh and cough, malaise
gastric and colic.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 liter of freshly boiled water, drink 3 cups daily.
The decoction is prepared by boiling 1 tablespoon
rhizome and roots in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, drink 3 cups
Effects: cleanser (1), expectorant (2), sudorific (3).
Precautions: These products have the character of symptomatic auxiliary
so do not replace it
medically indicated for the treatment of a disease
. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this
medicinal herb.
Other background: there is no scientific evidence to support your use
. ________________________________________________
(1) removes impurities of blood and other bodily
(2) favors the expulsion of bronchial secretions
(3) stimulates sweating. 54 .-
sarsaparilla. (Ribes et A. and H. cucullatum
Ribes punctatum R. et P.), stems, leaves, flowers
Traditional uses
a) internal use: disorders of the urinary tract,
diarrhea, bleeding and hypertension, conditions
joints (gout and rheumatism).
b) external use: disease
skin conditions such as psoriasis, chronic dermatitis and eczema.
The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable
1 cup of freshly boiled water, take 3 times a day, the stem
used in cooking.
In diseases of the skin, wash the affected area
Effects: cleanser (1), astringent (2), hemostatic (3),
antiseptic (4).
Precautions: High doses and not even for a prolonged period of time
as it may cause irritation of the mucous
. These products have the character of auxiliaries
therefore not replaced as indicated by the treating physician
of disease. Avoid
preparation in aluminum utensils.
By consulting the doctor, tell them you are using this herb
Other background: no scientific background
endorse their use. ________________________________________________
(1) increased diuresis
(2) contracts and hardens
organic tissues (3) decreases bleeding or bleeding
(4) destroys germs on the skin or mucous
Enter and published .- Maria Soledad Barria Iroume,
Minister of Health.
Transcribed for information .- Saluda
compliments to you, Jeanette Vega Morales, Deputy
of Public Health.